Ethiopian Americans thank @IRIglobal for its assessment of the Ethiopian Election! Thank you, for recognizing Election 2021, @NEBEthiopia mentioning improvements over past elections and civil society and political parties!… Share on X
@IRIglobalThe International Republican Institute! Ethiopian Americans despite all issues firmly believe that Ethiopia has now a popularly elected government! @NEBEthiopia @RepGregoryMeeks @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @StateDept… Share on X
@AmnestyEARO Please keep the focus on #Afar. What we have here is a second #MaiKadraMassacre committed by #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @RepGregoryMeeks @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @StateDept @antonioguterres Share on X
#TPLF attacks on refugees, IDPs, and civilians are all war crimes. @RepGregoryMeeks @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @StateDept #UnityForEthiopia #fakeamnestyreport Share on X
Ethiopia’s PM repeated his commitment to the unilateral cease-fire just days ago, says @UN humanitarian chief via @AP The world must condemn #TPLFisaTerroristGroup’s expansion of the conflict #UnityforEthiopia… Share on X
The Ethiopian people are firmly standing behind the government they popularly elected for the final fight against #TPLFisaTerroristGroup @RepGregoryMeeks @SenateForeign @HouseForeign @antonioguterres @eucopresident @UNHumanRights… Share on X
#TPLFisaTerroristGroup invaded the #Afar region and massacred 240 civilians which were at IDP’s camp. Of those killed 170 were children under the age of 10. @SecBlinken Condemn TPLF! NO dialogue with a terrorist?! @SenateForeign… Share on X