Tesfa News 2017 BY BEREKET KIDANE Successive Ethiopian regimes have spent billions of dollars and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their soldiers to try to control the Eritrean
Tesfa News 2017 BY BEREKET KIDANE Successive Ethiopian regimes have spent billions of dollars and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their soldiers to try to control the Eritrean
After the 1-week battle plan failed, general who was in charge of the war, concluded with great military losses, General Tsadkan tried to call the meeting to order but he could not hide his emotions…
ይህን ካነበቡ በኌላ ‘አፍሪካ ደሃ ናት’ የሚል አመለካከትዎን በርግጠኝነት ይለውጣሉ! በያመቱ 161 ቢሊዮን ዶላር ከውጭ ወደ አፍሪካ ይገባል። ይህ በርዳታና በውጭ ሚኖሩ እፍሪካውያን በሬሚታንስ የሚልኩት
first published oct 2020 Esleman Abay ኢሳያስ በኢትዮጵያ ጂኦ-ፖለቲካ ላይ ቁልፍ ሰው? ወይስ የኛ ተመፅዋች? ይህን በውል ለመገንዘብ ኢሳያስ በካይሮ ገበያ ዋጋው ስንት ነበር? ብለን
ከሶስት አመታት በፊት ታይዋን የቻይናውን ስሪ ጎርጂስ ግድብ መምታት የሚችል ሚሳይል ስለመታጠቋ በድረ-ገፅ ሚዲያዎቿ አስወራች። የቻይና መከላከያ ባለስልጣናትም የበዛ የሹፈት ‘ሙድ’ እንዲይዙባት ሆነ። ቻይኖቹ ሙድ
“…በኢትዮጵያ ዘመናትን የዘለቀው የብሔር ችግር አሁንም ነገሮችን ለውጦ የግብፅን ጥቅም ሊመልስ ይችላል” ግብፃዊ ‘ምሁር’………………………………………………………………………. “ኤርትራ በሕዳሴ ግድቡ ጉዳይ የነበራት አቋም ፀረ ኢትዮጵያ ነበር፤ የግብፅ ደግሞ
‹ለአፍሪካ ችግሮች አፍሪካዊ መፍትሔ African solutions to Africa’s problems’ የሚለውን የህብረቱ መርሆ መተግበር እንዲጀምር የምትጠቁመው ይህች ፅሁፍ “ነገረ-አፍሪካ ሕብረት ” በሚል ርዕስ ሰኔ 11 ገደማ
On October 31st, 1978 TPLF militants abducted an American helicopter pilot and triggered an international hostage crisis. What follows is the untold story of how the TPLF introduced itself to the United States
by Paul Labarique 2005 Between 1947 and 1966 the Ford Foundation played a key role in the network of US interference in Europe through the subvention
China is believed to spend billions of dollars to boost its international image, but it has yet to see a marked return on its investment
Are we running out of water? Only 3% of the water on the Earth’s surface is freshwater. Less than 0.5% of that is accessible for