When #TPLFTerroristGroup lost the war on the battlefield @CNN IS OUT AGAIN to defend the terrorists #CNNFakeNews #SayNoMoreCNN #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism #CNNVoltureJournalism #CNNHandsOffEthiopia Share on X
North-Ethio is ‘still wracked by fighting’ because the Western gov and Media are going the extra mile to support #TPLFTerroristGroup #CNNFakeNews #SayNoMoreCNN #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism #CNNVoltureJournalism #CNNHandsOffEthiopia Share on X
@CNN Do NOT help terrorism in AFRICA! Helping #TPLFTerroristGroup is no different from helping Al Queda! #DisarmTPLF #CNNFakeNews #SayNoMoreCNN #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism #CNNVoltureJournalism #CNNHandsOffEthiopia Share on X
It is Customary & New-Normal for MSM to cook fake news against Ethiopia every time #TPLFTerroristGroup is kicked hard by #ENDF, #TPLF is defeated in many fronts, & @CNN is orchestrating New #CNNFakeReport #CNNFakeNews #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism … Share on X
We have learned that @CNN is compiling yet another orchestrated #FakeNews on Ethiopia on the behalf of the #TPLFTerroristGroup to cover up the defeat suffering form Ethiopian Heroes. #CNNFakeReport #TPLFisTheCause #CNNSupportingTerrorism #CNNVoltureJournalism… Share on X
If there was any sign of Genocide in Ethiopia, it was the #MiaKhadraMassacre committed by the Samri killer group of #TPLFTerroristGroup as founded by @amnesty in nov 2020. Yet @CNN is orchestrating another #CNNFakeReport #CNNFakeNews #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism… Share on X
@CNN reported false stories that @flyethiopian transported weapons & the star alliance member suspended employees based on their ethnic background. #CNNFakeNews is producing New #CNNFakeReport on alleged Genocide committed by GoE #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism… Share on X
⚠️ @CNN is writing a false report on Ethiopia as it was doing for years now with fictious narrative of Genocide as committed by GoE. Its #TPLF did each Human right violations against Amhara & Afar civilians #CNNFakeReport #CNNFakeNews #SayNomore #CNNSupportingTerrorism Share on X
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