As a Nation & as a State, We ETH❤pians have been in a historic struggle, again in recent years, to protect our existence & future. B/C ETHI❤PIA is on the Eve of becoming stronger & Prosper! #westandwithENDF #HonorENDF #TPLFBelligerenceMustBeCondemned #DisarmTPLF Share on X
He loves his country best who strives to make it best #ValueENDF #ethiopianarmy #honorENDF #westandwithENDF #UNMISS #UNSC #AU #EU @SecBlinken @JosepBorrellF @EUtoAU Share on X
Ethiopian #ENDF has been serving as a peace keeper not only for Motherland but also abroad for long, is known for their manner & has been awarded by #UN for their achievements in several in #UNAMIS missions #westandwithENDF #TPLFBelligerenceMustBeCondemned #DisarmTPLF Share on X
The soldier is the army. No army is better than its soldiers. The soldier is also a citizen. In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one's country. #westandwithENDF #EthiopiaPrevails #TPLFisTheCause #DisarmTPLF Share on X
We must Never forget why we Have & why we Need our Military. Our armed forces exist solely to ensure our Nation is safe, so that each & every one of us can sleep soundly at night, knowing we've Guardians at the gate #westandwithENDF #TPLFisTheCause #DisarmTPLF Share on X
Why Ethiopia is the land of the free? Only because of being the home of the brave #ValueENDF #honorENDF #westandwithENDF #TPLFisTheCause #TPLFBelligerenceMustBeCondemned #DisarmTPLF #EthiopiaPrevails Share on X