BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has amplified its regional and global impact. The economic success of BRICS is a motivation to Africa because BRICS and African region have a similar historical background. The partnership between Africa and the BRICS has extended fresh drive and created ample interest in last decades because BRICS is playing an important role in international trade, investment and global governance. Growing economic relations of the BRICS with African region can be exemplary for global world. These relations are prospective of a suitable way of economic change and sustainable progress in the African region. The resource of African region makes many opportunities and challenges among BRICS- African regions partnership. The interest of western powers also prevail in the African region. This article commences a fair inquiry of the BRICS relation with African region, possible opportunities and challenges.
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BRICS and African Region Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has amplified its regional and global impact. The economic success of BRICS is a motivation to Africa because BRICS and African region have a similar historical background. The partnership between Africa and the BRICS has extended fresh drive and created ample interest in last decades because BRICS
is playing an important role in international trade, investment and global governance. Growing economic relations of the BRICS with African region can be exemplary for global world. These relations are prospective of a suitable way of economic change and sustainable progress in the African region. The resource of African region makes many opportunities and challenges among BRICS- African region’s partnership. The interest of western powers also prevail in the African region. This article commences a fair inquiry of the BRICS relation with African
The abbreviation ‘BRIC’ was first invented as a capable economic bloc by Jim O’Neil in 2001 (O’Neill
2001). The bloc has started his first interactions in 2005 at the time of the meeting of G7 Finance Ministers.
The first summit of BRIC was taken place in 2009 in Yekaterinburg, Russia during the worldwide financial
crisis. Another card from Goldman Sachs in 2003 dynamic development of the world economy is planned
in the next 50 years (O’Neill 2003). The results of the documents were sensational and possibly surprising
the greater international community. It is anticipated that in the future 50 years; a major power in the
worldwide economy could be the BRIC economies. Less than 40 years, the economies of the BRICS
collected can be greater than the Group of six G-6. In the year 2025, its size could more than half of the
G-6. The investigation is also planned in 2050, the United States and Japan of today developed states
could be between the 6th economies in terms of dollars. Table No. 1 describes the details of BRICS
Table 1.
Hosted city
1st summit
16 June 2009
27 March 2013
Phd Scholar, Institute of Social Sciences, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
Professor/Chairman, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
BRICS and African Region Partnership: Challenges and Opportunities
South Africa started struggling to join the BRICS organization in 2010, and the procedure for its proper
membership was started in August of the same year. When properly requested by the BRICS for joining
the organization, South Africa joined the BRIC on 24 December 2010.BRICS is based on 40% of world
population and 30% area of the globe in 2010. The GDP of BRICS was 16 % of world GDP in 2000.
Now quickly increased and reach 25% of global GDP (Finance. 2012). A major positive development
took place in all the BRICS nations during the last two eras (1990–2010).
Theoretical Framework
During the cold war era, the EU (European Union) was the best example of regional integration or
economic regionalism in a theoretical framework. Functionalism and Neo-functionalism are the basis of
Regional integration theory. The term of functionalism was introduced by David Mitrany (Alexandrescu
2007 ). According to the functionalist, the foundation of regional organization is to address the common
and social Problems. Theory of functionalism discovered the application of the institutional arrangements
below the regional organization.
Neo-functionalism is an updated version of functionalism in many important ways. The main
difference is to basically create a theory of supranational state and achievement of “working peace system”
through a method for the organization of international interdependence (Pentland, 1990). The regional
alliance established under the umbrella of confirmed active peaceful measures and shared democracy.
These measures converted into a Political interdependence. BRICS is establishing his institutional setup on
the idea of shared democracy.
As an integrated region, BRICS can also be seen as a neo-functionalist approach. The extension of
economic cooperation in the macro-region is the basic approach of BRICS. This approach is viewed in a
functionalist way (Konina, 2018).BRICS states that are successful in developing their economies, attaining
financial progress and finding an integrated way of success in global politics. Although BRICS has several
interests, yet they have established a (NDB) New Development Bank and CRA (Contingent Reserve
Arrangement). According to Gregory Chin, the formation of a New Development Bank is based on a
Neo- functionalism approach (Chin 2014). Although, the opinions of functionalist deliver all reasons of
cooperation of BRICS members. But this research discusses the BRICS partnership with African region.
Consequently, challenges and opportunities are persisting in the African region within the broader
framework of regionalism also other multilateral frameworks will be debated in the African region.
BRICS interests toward African Region
After independence, Brazil mainly focused on North America, Europe and South America for their political
and economic interest. This policy was shifted during a Lula DA Silva era in Brazil. Lula changed the foreign
policy objective of Brazil and made the African region on his priority. He understood that African region
would be the main region of the world and could help the Brazilin making it an emerging power. Lula
completed 12 trips and visited 21 states in his presidency. African leaders made 47 visits to the Brazil. In
addition, the diplomatic missions of Brazil to Africa were doubled during his presidency. Minister of Foreign
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Affairs of Brazil, Celso Amorim, made 67 official trips in 34 African States. Brazil’s attitude towards the
African region is based on request to achieve recognition in the African region as major powers in the
global world.
Brazil has increased the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in African region in present years. In 2001,
the amount of Brazil’s FDI in African region was US$69 billion. In 2009, that amount was reached US$214
billion.(World Bank, 2012)The financial institutes of Brazil are playing a very significant part in bringing the
state nearer to the African region. The Brazilian Development Bank has special incentives and payments
for Sub-Saharan Africa and this amount has been increasing over the past several years. Brazil’s financial
institute has played a main part in the expansion of Brazilian business in the African region. The main sector
is ethanol industry and housing projects.
Brazil’s commitments to African region have many benefits for Brazil. Firstly, Brazil will maintain
support for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council (Stolte, 2013). Secondly, it shows their
enthusiasm and capacity to contribute to solve the international problems. Thirdly, wins national political
reconnection in Africa; and reduce the dependence of the Brazilian economy from the industrialized
economies (Ford, 2013). These objectives are part of what was called Lula, a new political and economic
geography of commitment appropriations, that the developing countries have an important voice in the
multi-polar world order (He, 2012). At the same time, Brazil focuses on African region and confirms the
desire for a security zone in the South Atlantic. The present government continues the policies of the Lula
government and stressing that “Brazil and African region share the historical position that developing country.
After the cold war, Russia had not recognized the African region as an important part of its foreign policy.
This policy was changed in 2013 when the Russian has circulated his concept of foreign policy
(Arkhangelskaya, A & V Shubin, 2013).In this policy, it was stated that Russia would improve many-sided
action with African countries on a mutual basis with an effort on the improvement of political dialogue, the
promotion of equal economic benefits, trade collaboration, contribute to resolve and prevent that regional
clashes including disasters in Africa. All African states have diplomatic relations with Russia. Russia has 40
embassies in the African region, while 35 African states have consulates in Russia.
The TNC (Transnational corporations) of Russian increased their expansion in African region very
rapidly. In 2011, the total amount of TNC was1 billion US$. There are many attractions in the African
region for TNC of Russia. The main attraction is a desire to increase the supplies of raw material. The
other attraction is a desire of entrance in local markets. The world’s biggest aluminum producer Russian
company has been working in Angola, Guinea, Nigeria and South Africa. Russian financial institutions are
moving into African region. Russian banks open their branches in Angola, Namibia and Nigerian.
Russia plays an important role in contributing to peace and security in Africa, particularly with
contribution of peacekeeping missions for the United Nations in Africa, especially in states such as the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Sudan. As compared to China, India and Brazil, it may
assume that the policy of Russia for Africa is most determined. In the contemporary era, the balance of
power and geopolitical reflections is essential for Russian foreign policy. The leaders of Russia are realistic
about taking action rather than to promote multilateralism and adhere to common rules. In this connection
their approach is more principle instrument (Jordan, 2010). “It means that Russian companies in Africa are
stronger as Russian foreign-policy instruments (Bulletin 2008).
India has a vast political interest in the African region. In this connection India wants to compete China for
access to African markets, natural resources for energy security on the continent, to enlarge its diplomatic
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impact in the region and to ensure the promotion of development cooperation (Fantu Cheru & Cyril Obi
2011). Consequently, the strength of political relations by India in the African region is specifically significant.
India has many political ambitions for African region and support of India is based to achieve these political
ambitions. The main political ambition is to acquire a permanent seat in the United Nations Security
Council with the help of these states. In India, political relations with African countries are reinforced by
geographical proximity in New Delhi for the continent, each seeking their independence from the colonial
powers. The Satyagraha movement of Mahatma Gandhi was created in South Africa, India as the global
leader in the fight against apartheid in South Africa. India is also in line with African nationalist movements,
Owings experiences in the fight against colonialism (Mawdsley, E & G McCann. 2010). After the cold war,
the foreign policy of India toward the African Region was based on four main points. Firstly, India wants
campaign for economic cooperation between India and African region. Secondly, Inclusion of people of
Indian descent in African region. Thirdly, stopping and fighting against terrorism in the African region.
Fourthly, to achieve the peace and help the African defense forces. India sees commitment with Africa as
a means to enhance the political aspiration to become a great power on the global level; facilitate co-
operation in the fight against the global inequality in developing countries.
The main areas of Indian’s investment and immigration are East, West and South African region. At the
continental level India, this has decisively on the new partnership for Africa’s development through the
expansion of a range of $200 million to finance its operations. His policy of the Exim Bank of India 2002-
2007, started “Focus Africa” plans to promote the exports of India in Sub-Saharan Africa. The main
countries of this program are South Africa, Nigeria, Mauritius, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Ghana.
Therefore, India offers concession credit lines to several African countries such as Sudan, Ethiopia,
Mauritius and Seychelles (M. Fujita, G. Liang, P. Mallampally & A. Miroux 2007). The total FDI stock of
India raised at about US$14 billion in the African region. India is the seventh main investor in the African
As compared to other BRICS states, China has deepest national interest rooted in the African region. It is
very difficult to understand the China’s main interest in the African region. In 2009, the former State
Councilor Dai Bingguo, firstly exposed the main national interest of China at a press conference. He said
that his main interests are national security, sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic and social
development. (Xinhua. 2009).
China has vital political interest in the African region. China is searching the countries for import the
raw material from the African region and secondly, it is used as a space to practice and maintain their
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Forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) alone has a diplomatic and geopolitical usefulness of wider
international ambitions. In addition, FOCAC helps to solidify a unique, friendly, China Outlook in China
for the continent at the same time, even if these objectives are weak, different views of China on the
continent. FOCAC is divided on China: African States, which holds not excluded from the ‘ one-China ‘
policy. The topics on the agenda of the Forum also tend, Chinese interests are reflected. For example,
the theme for the Summit of FOCAC 2015 in Africa, South Africa agenda 2063 aspiration encapsulates
the vision of China and the African Union: growing together: 2063-program and the dream of China.
China has vital security interests in the African region. In the present situation, political instability and
conflicts are the part of African region. China has commercial interests in Africa, so that Beijing is ready,
which is protection of personal and economic interests on the continent. In the past, China depended in
large part through multilateral institutions, in particular the United Nations, to save their interests in Africa.
Currently, Beijing has taken a clear independent approach to the protection of their interests in the African
region. Chinese ships were often attacked by Somali pirates, Beijing sent the Peoples Liberation Army
(PLA) to give the security for its ships through the Gulf of Aden (Sun, 2014). The PLA has given 16 fleets
for the security of 5300 foreign and Chinese boats since 2008. The PLA has also helped the military training
staff in eighteen African nations and created exchange treaties with twenty-five African countries.
Furthermore, around 1500Chinesesoldiers are backing seven different peacekeeping missions of the
United Nations on African region. In addition, China offers economic support to the army of the African
Union (AU).
South Africa
The official position of South Africa is very important for BRICS. Its involvement in the BRICS forum should
serve not only its own national interests, but also those of the African region. So, at the Durban Summit
found under the motto “BRICS and Africa: partnership for development, integration and industrialization”
together with the fourteen heads of State Summit of Africans, as well as the head of regional economic
communities and the African Union have been invited.
In 2011, South Africa was the fifth biggest owner of FDI in African region. The amount of FDI of South
Africa was 18 US$ billion. The majority of this amount was based in the private, non-banking sector. The
trade of South Africa with African region is based on manufactured goods. In 2012, the main sectors of
exports from South Africa were machinery, base metals, transport equipment, chemical products and
mineral products (Partridge 2013). The trade volume of South Africa with African region was $25 billion
in 2013. Approximately, 80 % of imports from African region are based on minerals and oil-related
products (Partridge 2013).
Opportunities for African Region
BRICS club gives the potential for the shifted new concepts for social progress, sustainable technologies
and institutional innovation, not only its participants, but also in other emerging states. There are many
opportunities among BRICS members like “mutual discovery”, learning and sustainable exchange of
knowledge – as distinct from the traditional ‘developed to developing’ country technical assistance process
(UNDP, OECD, & World Bank., 2009).
African region has a unique position on the globe. The BRICS partnership deal for African region is
based on alliance for the reform of the global trade and geopolitical structure. Members of the BRICS are
developing states with huge growth without exploitation, growth and potential markets. “Economies that
competitive forces diverse nature of the BRICS and their differences in the specialization and synergistic
Exchange Group present, social innovation, technology transfer and Exchange Investment opportunity”
among its members (Scott June 2011).
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The world order after the cold war, the assumptions and the consensus of the Western world are
losing their credibility. BRICS is offering new ideas to provide management and leadership in developing
countries. And participating countries provide the place to resolve conflicts constructively the BRICS
Alliance, whether commercial, political and diplomatic. BRICS could, such as sand, to clarify over Arunachal
Pradesh, northeast India and China State of India, which describes China as “South Tibet” (Sharma, 2012).
BRICS-South Africa has crafted a new strategy that ensures new markets for the products of South
Africa and new investors at a time when the biggest European economies are in financial problems. In
2005, South Africa‘s percentage of trade with BRICS states was 10 %, while in 2012, the share reached
18 %, this figure shows a decline in trade with old markets of Japan, the European Union and the United
States (Agency 2013).
Trade Opportunity
Almost, South- South trade has doubled since last ten years, but BRICS- African region has a significant
trade opportunity. BRICS-African trade relations are based on two main features. Firstly, African region
export towards BRICS is based on fuels and primary commodities. Secondly, the BRICS export towards
the African region is based on manufactured goods. The worth of mutual trade among BRIC and African
region is increasing rapidly. In 2001, the value of mutual trade in the BRICS-African region was 8.17% and
in 2010 was 18.75% (UNCTAD, 2010). According to the bank of South Africa, BRICS redefined the
purpose of African region in the global economy. In 2013, only Chinese investment in African region was
$2.3 billion (ECA, 2014).
Food Security Opportunity
Food security is a great opportunity for exporters of food in African region. Food security has a relative
benefit in agriculture and raw foods. African countries should increase exports to meet the food security
of the BRICS Nations. These exports have much space to grow between African region and BRICS. In
2011, African traders export the food to only 3.7% of the BRICS countries and most beneficiaries was
Russia. African Governments ensure that a greater demand in the BRICS countries will raise the national
food prices.
Investment Opportunity
The greatest opportunity of Chinese FDI in African region has increased investment in the process of the
activities (AERC, 28–30 September 2010). Chinese’s infrastructure investment with their workers and a
maximum of the deliveries are found in China. Now some African states have managed to reverse this
process. In response to grievances from Nigeria and South Africa, the Chinese Trade Ministry has
stimulated the enterprises to the development of technology and staff training in emerging countries.
Especially, Hawaii Technologies Limited. of Nigeria setup a training center in Nigeria to educate 2,000
Telecom engineer each year (AERC, 28–30 September 2010). An important opportunity for African
region is to increase commodity power through FDI and secure its benefits. Through the Chinese
production-sharing opportunity, African firms are preserving a substantial part of value creation within the
African economies (Ajakaiye, Olusanya, Francis M. Mwega, Raphael Kaplinsky, & Damiano K. Manda. 11–
14 November 2009). African Administrations should boost the advantages of market with efficiency looking
for FDI in China to ensure the outsourcing activities of indigenous businesspersons; native sourcing of
inputs for the increase in production; and the jobs of indigenous labors in fair working conditions.
The political implications for the Governments in Africa are therefore developing and supporting local
entrepreneurs, the partner with their Chinese colleagues, qualified personnel, work and investments in
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the health of the force to ensure healthy work. Regional organizations like the African Union can play an
important part in the support of the African common position in these important areas.
Development Assistance Opportunity
Although, BRICS flows a small part of ODA (official development assistance) to the African region. It is an
opportunity for the African region in Africa-BRICS cooperation. Several sources of aid are growing in the
African region. China, India, Brazil and South Africa have donated large volumes of ODA in African region.
All economic and development assistance is outlined in the framework of win–win agreements in the
benefits of development and progress, so BRICS is covering problems of poverty, inequality and
unemployment (Kim, February 2013).The prime minister of Ethiopia says, China has remarkable re-
emerged and its guarantee for win-win cooperation with Africa, is the main reason for the foundation of
the African Renaissance (Lintao 2012).
Challenges for African Region
BRICS is very practical for achieving its strategic, economic, trade and geopolitical interests. South Africa
has very unique position in this alliance. South Africa is a representative of African region. The challenge
for African region is that the BRICS can impact the economy of the African region, because several products
of the BRICS to directly compete with local products. BRICS and developed countries all are focusing the
resources of Africa, which is a straight threat to the economy of the African region.
Structural barriers, weak political and economic policies and lack of vision in the administration are
other main Challenges for the progress of African region. The progress of African region is very low except
South Africa. The unemployed of African region are mostly black, unskilled and young. The emerging
trends in the manufacturing sector are not absorbing these unemployment issues. Consequently, the
manufacturing sector of Africa is not growing up to the mark and facing many troubles.
China is strongly supporting the usage of the Yuan rather than the dollar in global trade and loans with
their partners in the emerging states, especially in the African region. According to Standard Bank of South
Africa, China will replace the yuan to the US dollar as a primary currency for trade among China and
African countries. The Standard Bank forecasts that the $100 billion (40%) of trade between China and
Africa will be in Yuan from 2015. (Chief 2011).
The industrialist of Africa says that the arrival of goods from BRICS to African markets is comparatively
easy, but high tariffs from BRICS create more challenge for the African products. Majokweni Nomaxabiso,
under the roof of the corporate organization of BUSA summarizing, “the balancing act is to ease business
transactions while keeping the benefits of industry and production. We are not looking out preferential or
free trade agreements. Rather, we need more transparency with our partners, particularly on tariff plans
and unseen inner taxes” (Majokweni, Nomaxabiso, 2012).
Trade Challenge
Usually, African economies based on natural resources. These natural resources, mostly gain from the
trade of most important raw materials. The gain should be invested in the production of high-quality
(especially in production). So, the challenge for these states is to prevent Dutch disease and support
advanced industrial goods for exports. For avoiding this challenge, these countries must invest in physical
infrastructure for steep and logistics to facilitate more trade opportunities. In addition, African producers
closely align with the global value chains, coordinated with them (in order to confirm that the information
and the production of form and time are related) and to meet global standards (Raphael Kaplinsky & Mike
Morris November 2006).
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Source: World Bank
Africa-BRICS trade grew as a
percentage of BRICS’s complete
trade with developing states, in part
because of weak demand in industrial
countries. The main reason of
growing trade with Brazil, India and
China is because they demand
energy and natural resources in
Africa. South Africa has made heavy
gains because, 1n 2012, South
Africa’s trade with emerging
economies was 19 % of total trade
and reduce by 2013 only 5%
(Freemantle S & J Stephens, 12 February 2013). With the challenge that the mandate of the regional
integration of Africa can overshadow while South Africa enjoys the vast beneficial effects of intra-BRICS
Food Security Challenge
Food security is an important challenge for the African region. There are many reasons behind the food
security. Food security was a main item on the global agenda through the worldwide food disaster in 2008.
In 2009, the first BRICS Summit highlighted food security, calls for a general strategy to ensure the access
to food for the more in danger. The agriculture sector of BRICS faces many challenges, with the effect of
climate change on productivity, rising input costs, insecurity in the water, volatility of commodity prices,
diverted and problems in arable land of the promotion of small agricultural producers (Suresh Singh &
Memory Dube 2013, 21 February). These are all problems prevailing in the African region as a challenge.
Investment Challenge
FDI is another important challenge for Africa because it has a direct impact on resource, efficiency and
market research investment. The result of the policy of the first type is that the African economies need to
invest their earnings from the export of primary commodities, higher value added industry, which should
allow the natural resources of African region exporters to develop and diversify their export base, then
they move from reliance on the export of minerals.
African Governments should invest in local African national producers that produce these sustainable
exports in forging help African economies with higher added-value will strengthen national and foreign
companies. It is the challenge of the African governments with investment, market research to ensure
acceptable performance in quality, price, delivery and service than domestic suppliers. Moreover, FDI in
extractive industries, important sectors such as agriculture and services need for sustainable jobs for the
local population and help its growth. In short, the policy should focus on promoting foreign direct
investment in productive sectors.
The challenge is for the African economies to invest the flow of resources from the boom of raw
materials for the improvement of the investment climate, development of human resources to backing
investments in fresh industries and the creation of suitable financial institutions for emerging private
industrialists. Positive application of these initiatives in the context of good governance will construct the
situations for BRICS. FDI has important connections in African economies.
A report identifies three potential challenges with China’s FDI (UNCTAD, 2010). Firstly, with possible
environmental damage to search for resources through foreign direct investment, African Governments
02E+09 4E+09
South Africa
African Region
BRICS Trede Indicator in 2018
Import in2018 Export in 2018
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will have to develop capacity in the formulation of appropriate environmental standards and norms.
Although the standards should not discourage foreign direct investment and incentives for compliance with
the standards. Secondly, China’s FDI is producing poor quality output. African Governments should
develop the capacity for the formulation and enforcement of compliance with quality standards. Thirdly, a
small industrialist from China can expel the local industrialists; African Governments should develop and
implement anti-monopoly policy.
Development Assistance Challenge
A main challenge is a debt extension of concessional loans in the African region. Brazil, India and China
have the same historical background related to this challenge. Proceeding against the extension, may have
a negative influence on the continuum of debt. China shows few indications of reckless lending of African
economies (UNCTAD, 2010).So as well as bound is from China, African Governments alert at the
negotiation of the conditions that help to promote the cooperation between China’s companies and local
colleagues. Consequently, such initiatives increase domestic source of inputs and geared outsource with
the tone of domestic industrialists.
BRICS is strengthening the growth of regionalism on functionalist bases. The regionalism of BRICS
endangers the international order and stability optimistically. That would be positive interpretations in the
framework of the African regionalism. It is a very positive sign in global governance if alliance acts as the
functional behavior like the EU. Contemporary issues such as trade, investment, development assistance
and food security can be solved at regional bases. Earlier mention issues are dominant in economic
interdependence and collaboration. The BRICS is a decent block to describe the new measurement of
economic regionalism.
This study investigates the BRICS- African partnership as well as opportunities and challenges for the
African region. The BRICS’s collective challenges and opportunities are integrated for their mixing in African
regionalism. The interdependence among the BRICS and African region has enhanced sharply. This
arrangement is to remain in the next scenario. Consequently, these forces are pushing for the mutual
adjustment in trade, investment, development policies in these countries. These challenges can be
converted into opportunities in the next decade. In this way, BRICS-African region economic relations
consider a binding factor in regionalism.
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