HR6600 will not make a positive contribution to either the peacemaking process in #Ethiopia or the long-term resolution of the crisis. The bill will harm the people of Ethiopia & security interests of US @StateDept @StateDeptSpox @USEmbassyAddis @usmissiongeneva #CancelHR6600 Share on X
HR6600 bill will hurt the poor, the weak, children, and vulnerable Ethiopians. Our people deserve #CancelHR6600 @RepMalinowski @POTUS @JeffreyGuterman Share on X
HR6600 Bill will add to the tension and will harm the people of #Ethiopia as well as the security interests of the United States and its European allies and will not contribute to lasting peace. #CancelHR6600 @StateDept @StateDeptSpox @USEmbassyAddis … Share on X
Ethiopians & citizens of European countries appeal to the American people to lobby their representative in Congress & urge them not to support @StateDept @StateDeptSpox @USEmbassyAddis @RepMalinowski @POTUS @JoeBiden @VP @KamalaHarris #CancelHR6600 ->… Share on X
Ethiopian context is completely misunderstood by the legislators @SenateDems @SenateGOP & that no matter how well-intentioned their motives may be, bill #HR6600 is in fact counterproductive. @RepMalinowski @StateDept @StateDeptSpox @USEmbassyAddis #CancelHR6600 Share on X
Economic Sanctions on #Ethiopia provisioned in #HR6600 constitute a Violation of humanitarian international law. #CancelHR6600 @StateDept @StateDeptSpox @RepMalinowski @potus @joebiden @vp @kamalaharis @USEmbassyAddis -> Share on X
HR6600 is unlawful since it is a unilateral sanction of @USEmbassyAddis @StateDept against #Ethiopia & its people. @RepMalinowski's bill does not meet the procedural & substantive requirements stipulated in international law @haguejustice #WithdrawHR6600… Share on X
HR6600 as a unilateral sanction is illegal! Unlawful bill by @SenateDems @SenateGOP @HouseForeign @GOPLeader does not meet procedural & substantive requirements stipulated in international law #WithdrawHR6600 #CancelHR6600 #BreakTheSilence #NoMore Share on X