By, Amenuti Narmer
This man (image attached) claimed that in Dahomey, for instance, the King had 3,300 wives. The theory furthered another more insidious claim: that the King often killed some of his wives and decorated the walls of his palace with their skulls. Now, I know what you are thinking, but there’s worse.
Based on this type of “ethnographic studies of West Africa,” and of West African masculinity, he proposed that the Slave Holding States of the United States of America not free Black men. Ever! That Black men posed a danger not only to European Society, in particular to White Women (Birth of a Nation), but that these Black men also posed a severe threat to Black women.
He claimed that the “White Man” would not be able to protect a Black Woman from the murderous inclinations of a Black man. If Black men were freed from the plantations, they would pose a murderous threat to Black Women everywhere.
His solution, even if African Americans were to be freed from slavery, the men would have to be immediately put back on the plantation. The result? Immediate recapture and imprisonment for trespassing on public and private roads after being freed from the Plantation.
Well, the Mass Incarceration Industrial Complex of African American men right after the Civil War can be credited to this guy’s ethnographic studies of Dahomey and of his acclaimed observations of Black men molesting their wives on plantation barns.
Wait a minute, you say? Did he comprehend that the entire enterprise of the American plantation was about the summary violence by European men and women against West African men and women? How does a researcher as brilliant as he claimed he was miss the entirety of the violence by White Men on Black Women?
I promised there was worse, correct? Yes! Many American and European Feminists, even a notable one, bell hooks, used this guy’s data like it was God’s Truth. Not only that, she employed the same arguments against African American men.
Feminism has a very interesting history: To present to Black women that Black Men are murderous and that White Women are their allies and more, that White Men are their saviors. Now, when you understand non-linear, non-conventional warfare, you quickly grasp the nature of war on Black men, and by proxy, the War on the African Manhood.
Tswa Omanye Aba.