- Samara University, Afar Ethiopia
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Research Article
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia:
The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Nahusenay A*
Assistance Professor of Soil Science and Agriculture, Disasters Risk Management and Agro-Pastoral Development Department, Samara
University, Afar, Ethiopia
*Corresponding Author: Nahusenay A, Assistance Professor of Soil Science and Agriculture, Disasters Risk Management and Agro-
Pastoral Development Department, Samara University, Afar, Ethiopia.
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
Received: December 29, 2016; Published: January 17, 2017
Agriculture is the predominant economic activity which is characterized by subsistence mixed-farming systems. The purpose of
this study is to investigate gender division of labor in Ethiopia the case of Delanta District, South Wello. It has assessed the various
in six rural districts and 300 households by taking 225 women and 75 men in their residents. The interviewees were selected using
statistics. The results have shown that women have primary role in gender division of labor in the study area. Women predominantly
performed storage preparation (84%) and post harvest processing (81%), milk processing (83%), barn cleaning (61%) and care of
new born animals (52%), cooking (94%), grinding (88.5%), fetching (80%) and collecting fuel-wood (75%). They are also performed
and keeping crops from wild life (37%). Despite their crucial roles in agricultural sectors, women have been marginalized for so
long. They have limited access and control of agricultural products, extension services and information. This is due to social, cultural
strengthen and develop women with economic, social and political affairs, federal and regional governments, and other concerned
participate at all stages of project planning, implementation and assessment.
Keywords: Agriculture; Division of Labor; Gender; Rural Women; Women
Women work in agriculture as farmers on their own account, as unpaid workers on family farms and as paid or unpaid laborers on
other farms and agricultural enterprises. In agriculture the majority of women are food producers working on joint family farms and
tending their own land for household food production while only a small percentage is independent farmers [1]. They are involved in both
crop and livestock production at subsistence and commercial levels. They produce food and cash crops and manage mixed agricultural
operations often involving crops and livestock farming. All of them are considered part of the agricultural labor force. The sustainable
production of food is the pillar of food security. Women in developing nations play vital roles in maintaining the three pillars of food secu-
rity- food production, economic access to available food, and nutritional security [2].
Women generate important contributions to the agricultural and rural economies of all regions of the world. However, the exact con-
regions. As per Sofa team and Doss [3] revealed that women comprise about 43% of the agricultural labor force globally and in developing
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
countries. The global average is dominated by Asia- within Asia, the sub-regional averages range from about 35% in South Asia to almost
50% in East and Southeast Asia. The Asian average is dominated by China, where the female share of the agricultural labor force has in-
creased slightly during the past three decades. The female share in India has 30% and in sub-Saharan Africa 50% of the African averages
range from just over 40% in Southern Africa to 50% in Eastern Africa.
Nowadays, about 60 to 80% of basic food stuff in Africa and more than half of all food in worldwide are produced by the smallholder
of women farmers [1]. Women have relatively high overall labor-force participation rates and the highest average agricultural labor-force
participation rates in the world. They accounted for about 70- 80% of food production in Sub-Saharan Africa [4]; they perform about 90%
of the work of processing food crops and providing household water and fuel wood as well as the work of hoeing and weeding, 80% of the
work of food storage and transportation from farm to village, and 60% of the work of harvesting and marketing of farm produce [5]. Cul-
tural norms in the region have long encouraged women to be economically self-reliant and traditionally give women substantial respon-
sibility for agricultural production in their own right. Regional data for sub-Saharan Africa conceal wide differences among countries.
When women are economically and socially empowered, they become a potent force for change. In rural areas of the developing world,
meet these needs could lie in reducing the bias against women in agriculture. In other words, the place of gender as a fundamental issue
in assuring food security both at national, household and individual levels cannot be overemphasized. This is because increasing atten-
tion is now being paid to the gender dimension of poverty and development particularly in relation to the role of women in agricultural
processes [7].
Rural women play key role by working with full passion in production of crops right from the soil preparation till post harvest activi-
ties. Their activities naturally comprise crops production, livestock ranching, food processing and preparation, fetching water and collect-
ing fuel-wood, working for wages in agricultural or other rural enterprises, caring for family members and maintaining their homes [8].
Rural women particularly in the developing countries exercise hardship by undertaking triple roles, that is, productive role, reproductive
role and community participation role in their everyday life.
The story of overworked women in the rural areas of the developing and underdeveloped countries of the world is too well known.
work longer than men to achieve the same level of living. They rarely have access to the resources that would make their work more pro-
ductive and ease their heavy workload. Overall, the labor burden of rural women exceeds that of men, and includes a higher proportion of
unpaid household responsibilities related to preparing food and collecting fuel and water [9]. Labor intensive and time-consuming activi-
their families, their communities and local economies. There is evidence that, as women participate more in market work under pressure
of poverty their domestic labor is not substantially reassigned to men [10].
Statement of the Problem
household food security remains largely unrecognized in policy and resource allocation, especially in developing countries. The voices
and concerns of rural women are little heard at the national and global level [4]. Increasing female participation in the labor force has a
positive impact on economic growth. Rural development in Africa cannot be imagined without the active participation of women.
Women are poor because they have fewer economic opportunities and less autonomy than men. Their access to economic resources,
education and training and support services are limited. They also have very little participation in decision making. The rigidity of socially
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
prescribed roles for women and tendency to scale back social services have increased the burden of poverty on women [1]. The role that
for decision making process, either inside or outside the home. However women perform all un-mechanized agricultural tusks and per-
form multiple tasks which add more burdens to them. Women workers in agriculture suffer from high illiteracy rate among them and drop
out of schools. They have no proper knowledge about modern agriculture system. Women earn fewer wages, especially in joint informal
and private sector. Therefore, women do not know their legal rights.
Women account for more than half of the work force by participating in different activities directly or indirectly. As was reported by
FAO [9], and Devender and Krishna [11] women produce more than 44% of the total world food and 40% of the central Asia. They also
contribution in agricultural labor force in developed countries is 36.7% while, it is about 43.6% in developing countries. However, their
role in the economy has often been underestimated, and their work in agriculture has been invisible for a long time. The contributions
The aforementioned moments are also more challenged the Ethiopian women farmers. They have constraints including lack of land
for farming, limited access in communication between men and women and control of agricultural products, credit facilities, skill training,
traditional pattern and the previous economic policies. Most of them lounge in the margin of major development efforts and programs.
In rural areas of Ethiopia, women play the leading role in agricultural production, livestock rearing and cottage industries and remain
seeds, livestock, technology and infrastructure.
As part of the Ethiopian women, the Delanta District rural women in North Wello share the female subordination and the overall prob-
lems that are faced by the Ethiopian women. These problems were analyzed in this study from the viewpoint of a population- geographic
analysis in conjunction with the necessary solutions. The dominance of men in various income generating activities affects highly the eco-
nomic empowerment of women. The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the activities of rural women and their participation
in agriculture and household activities? in the study area.
Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to assess gender division of labor in agriculture and household activities as well as comprehend the
• To investigate the gender division of labor in agriculture and household activities; and
• To assess the main constraints faced by rural women involvements in agricultural works.
Research Questions
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
• What are the key roles of women in gender division of labor?
Materials and Methods
Description of the Study Area
1500 to 3819 meter above sea level at the bottom of the valleys (Gosh Meda) and the top of the mountain (Mekelet), respectively. It is situ-
ated about 499 km north of Addis Ababa and 98 km northwest of Dessie town in South Wello Zone. The major landforms of the district
comprise extensive plateaus, chains of hills with mountainous ridge, river-valleys and very deep gorges at the boundary. It is oval in shape
with dendritic drainage pattern, steep ridges, and numerous convex hills at the plain area and gorges at the boundary.
Figure 1: Location map of the study area.
Climate of the study area
elevation. These are Kolla (lowland), Woina Dega (midland), Dega (highland) and Wurch (very highland) (Table 1).
Traditional ACZ Kolla Woina Dega Dega Wurch
Elevation (m) 1500 – 1800 1800 – 2400 2400 – 3500 > 3500
Temperature (°C) 18 – 20 15 – 18 10 – 15 < 10
Rainfall (mm) 300 – 900 500 – 1500 700 – 1700 > 900
Dominant crop Sorghum, maize teff, maize, wheat Barley, wheat Barley
Table 1: Traditional agro-ecological zones (ACZ) of the Northern Ethiopian highlands.
The climate of the area is characterized by dry seasons (from October to February cold-dry and from March to June hot-dry) and wet
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
years (1999-2013) mean annual rainfall of the study area is about 812 mm of which 75-80% is received in summer (Kiremt) and 25-20%
in the spring (Belg) seasons. The mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures of the same period are 6.8 and 19.6°C, respectively
(Figure 2). Peoples living on upper topographic position their farming activities primarily depend on Belg rains, while those on middle
and lower topographic positions rely on both the Kiremt and Belg rains. Nevertheless, there is small, erratic and unreliable rainfall and
the area is prone to sporadic droughts.
Figure 2: Mean monthly rainfall, maximum and minimum temperatures of the study area.
Geology and soils of the study area
Geology of the study area is characterized by the trap series of tertiary periods, similar to much of the central Ethiopian highlands.
It is covered by Oligocene rhyolite and very thick ignimbrite units encompassing predominantly of alkaline basalt with numerous inter-
According to WAOR [14], the total area of the District is 10,5678 ha stretching from lowland to highland, much of it being in the mid-
altitude ranges dominated by plateaus and all of them were covered by LU/LC dynamics. Average land holding size is one hectare per
household (0.75 ha for crop production and 0.25 ha for grazing). The land uses are both private (farming) and communal (grazing) land
about 45%. Cultivated and grazing lands are the major land use types in the study area. Agriculture is the predominant economic sector
which engaged over 95% of the population [14]. The overall farming system was mixed both livestock and crop production and charac-
traction for ploughing and threshing are oxen and horses. Crop residues and intensive grazing are major livestock feed resources in the
Land use systems and their coverage
The common rainfed crops grown in the area are bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), faba bean
(Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris L.), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), teff (Eragrostis tef L.) and sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor
of vegetables, fruits, root crops and spices are also produced. Most of the arable land is under rainfed farming while very small area is
irrigated at the valley bottom or around riverbanks to produce vegetables and fruits [14].
The natural woodland and vegetation of the study area has disappeared due to overgrazing, increasing demand for fuel-wood and con-
version into cultivated lands. There are small patches of remnant natural forests found on farm boundaries and around churches. Planted
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
tree species like Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Cupressus lustanica, Acacia saligna and Acacia decurrens are common around homesteads and
conserved areas. The Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantations are replacing the arable/cultivated lands and expanding on backyards, stream
banks and gully sides.
Population size and distribution
population constituted 96.5% of which males 51 and females 49% of the total population. The district was divided by 33 local districts
those stretched into different agro-ecological zones. The people of the district did not usually produce food for year-round consumption
even in a year considered to be normal climatically. This is due to over population, severe land degradation, land shortage and erratic
Data Sources and Sampling Techniques
The researcher was conducted in several of sources and tools for data collection including primary and secondary sources, pilot test
and various types of data collection procedures.
Data types and sources
Both the primary and secondary data were considered for this study. The primary data were conducted in household surveys which
on the attitudes, beliefs and practices of the people. The secondary data from both published and unpublished documents of govern-
mental and non-governmental organizations were dug out to supplement and strengthen the primary data. Historical, cultural, socio-
economic backgrounds of the area were obtained by using secondary materials.
To check the appropriateness of the items in the instrument and to make necessary correction on the feedbacks obtained from the
Sampling techniques
considered men. The sample size was 300 rural households of which 75% of women. One of the motives of the survey was to investigate
were selected based on the above stated variations and to make the study manageable, 60 household was taken from each rural district
Site name NRP Agro-ecological zone
50 Kolla ( Lowland < 2100 m)
Kembeh dega 50 Dega (Highland > 2700 m)
50 Dega (Highland > 2700 m)
Tardate medihanialem 50 WoinaDega (Midland b/n 2100 and 2700 m)
Arka-Chinga 50 Woina Dega (Midland b/n 2100 and 2700 m)
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
Source: Based on Field Survey
Wetege-Aberkut 50 Kolla (Lowland < 2100m)
Total 300
Table 2: Site local of the study peasant associations.
Methods of Data Analysis
sponses regarding agricultural works and coping strategies used by peasants during famine (scarcity of food) and its impacts.
Results and Discussion
Gender Division of Labor in Field Activities
In order to understand and analyze gender division of labor, that is the allocation of tasks between males and females, can usefully be
tions and learn from them. There is a clear gender and age based division of labor in crop production, animal husbandry, and household
Women’s involvement in crop production
tion of direct observation (if time permits seasonal sampling survey), reliance on informants and structured interviews with individuals.
activities. From the survey made in the study area, the author of this paper has come to understand that women spend more time in seed-
bed preparation, harvesting of crops, weeding, transporting, storage preparation, etc. These activities may be done either individually or
through group works (wonfel and debbo). Women also prepare food and drinking water for the participants during group works (Table
Activity Women Men Both Children Total
Field preparation for planting 32 10.5 206 68.5 38 12.5 26 8.5 300
Ploughing farm in animals 29 9.5 227 75.5 24 8.0 21 7.0 300
Carrying farm tools 21 7.0 243 81.0 21 7.0 15 5.0 300
Planting/sowing seeds 11 3.5 267 89.0 9 3.0 14 4.5 300
Keeping crops from wild life 48 16.0 48 16.0 110 36.5 95 31.5 300
Weeding unwanted plants 59 19.5 65 21.5 159 53.0 18 6.0 300
Cutting and gathering crops 33 11.0 98 32.5 156 52.0 14 4.5 300
51 17.0 71 23.5 152 50.5 27 9.0 300
Storage container preparation 252 84.0 26 8.5 8 2.5 15 5.0 300
Threshing ground preparation 15 5.0 29 9.5 239 79.5 18 6.0 300
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Transport yields to home 12 4.0 258 86.0 12 4.0 18 6.0 300
Storing process /post hasrvest 243 81.0 23 8 29 9.5 6 2.0 300
Source: Based on Field Survey; NRP = Number of respondents
Table 3: Gender division of labor in crop production.
As manifested in Table 3, men solely perform sowing (89%), transport yields to home (86%), carrying farm tools (82%), ploughing
(76%), and land preparation (69%) while women assist their husbands in such activities. For example, women cover the seed with soil
reported by Abdelali-Martini [10] in the Middle East and North Africa.
In Delanta District, the expected and the most important occupation of the family members aged 10 years and above is farming. Em-
ployment outside agriculture is almost non-existent in the District. Agriculture is the key asset for subsistence farmers in the District
(Table 4).
Types of activities Dega Woina Dega Kolla Total
Act 37 74 82 82 47 94 166 83
Participated Exp 41.5 – 83 – 41.5 – – –
Act 13 26 18 18 3 6 34 17
Not participated Exp 8.5 – 17 – 8.5 – – –
Total 50 100 100 100 50 100 200 100
Source: Based on Field Survey2 = 7.23; C.V = 5.99; α = 0.05 and df = 2; NRP = Number of respondents
Table 4: The participation rate of women in crop production activities.
women differ in agro-ecological zones, and the nature of crops sown in the area. Some type of crops, namely teff, maize, sorghum, some
pulses have never be sown in Dega areas but are commonly found in Kolla and Woina Dega areas. These types of crops need intensive
labor forces, particularly the weeding season. The other reasons are farm size and household income level. The former largely determines
In some cases, the households with high-income level tend to use hired labor, not demand for females labor. The participation of women
in agriculture everyday jobs is high in all agro-ecological zones. The only difference is the extent of participation. Women in Kolla area are
more involved than women in Woina Dega and Dega areas.
Women’s participation in livestock production
and whether it is considered an economic activity, the stock of human capital they accumulate and the levels of pay they receive. In Del-
anta District, livestock activity takes place hand-in-hand the crop production and all family members are participated. Livestock produc-
tion is the main sources of income generation, as well as the pioneer of the wealth status in the District. As manifested in Table 5, women
solely perform milk processing (82.3%), barn cleaning (60.7%) and care of new born animals (51.3%), while men assist animal feeding
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
(53%) and milking cow (51.7%). The herding of livestock in the area about 70.7% of the task was done by children as was also reported
by Mihiret and Tadesse [16] that the majority of household activities are performed by wives.
Activity Women Men Both Children Total
Milking cows 78 26.0 155 51.7 50 16.7 17 5.7 300
Milk processing 247 82.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 53 17.7 300
Animal feeding 38 12.7 159 53.0 47 15.7 56 18.7 300
Cleaning animal waste/barn cleaning 182 60.7 9 3.0 8 2.7 101 33.7 300
Herding animals 20 6.7 47 15.7 21 7.0 212 70.7 300
Care of new born animal 154 51.3 39 13.0 48 16.0 59 19.7 300
Table 5: Gender division of labor in livestock activities.
Gender Division of Labor in Household Activities
The sexual division of labor cannot be fully understood without knowing how women and men within the household differ in their
agricultural information and services. Employment inside the house is almost all done by females in the District. The situation of women
in general indicates that they carried out the heaviest burden of family life responsibility, which includes feeding, housing, clothing, and
breadwinner sharing (Table 6). Adult females (women) perform food preparation/cooking (86.2%), washing dish (87.8%), grinding
grains (85.2%), fetching water (78.3%), preparing fuel-wood (62.3%) as was also reported by Mihiret and Tadesse [16] that the majority
of household activities are performed by wives.
Activity Women Men Both Children Total
Fuel-wood preparation (collection ) 187 62.3 42 13.7 23 7.7 49 16.3 300
Fetching water from pond/pipe 235 78.3 22 7.3 14 4.7 29 9.7 300
Washing dish and others 263 87.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 37 12.2 300
Washing family clothes 94 31.3 37 12.3 155 51.7 14 4.7 300
247 82.3 0 0.0 0 0.0 53 17.7 300
Family care (animal herding 109 36.2 44 14.5 129 42.8 20 6.5 300
Food preparation/cooking 259 86.2 0 0.0 13 4.3 29 9.5 300
Grinding grains in hand 256 85.2 0 0.0 0 0 45 14.8 300
Source: Based on Field Survey
Table 6: Gender division of labor in household activities.
In all these activities children assist their mothers, particularly female children. Male children mostly herd animals, bird scared and
crops protect from wild life. They are doing all these things with a backward technology where implements and tools are the most primi-
tive. In most societies, reproductive tasks or tasks related to child bearing and care and maintenance of the household activities (cook-
participate in formal community politics. In consent with the gender-responsive labor activities observed in this study, various studies
[17-19] showed that every economy is dependent on the unpaid care economy, comprising cooking, cleaning, elder care, childcare and
community-based volunteering. Unpaid work is heavily feminized, and the burden of unpaid work may increase or decrease as a result
of ostensibly sustainable interventions.
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Inhibition Women’s Participation in Development Endeavors
activities. They are, for instance, excluded from deciding what crops to plant; purchase and sale of livestock, farm inputs, land plots, etc.
women to the domestic labor, including the entire range of food preparation, fetching water, collecting fuel-wood and caring for the family.
the household.
Women have extra-load than men because they participate in all activities (agricultural and domestic works). The division of labor
making power. Certain jobs are reserved for men and others for women. The results of the present study regarding major social con-
and 57.7% of women are only subordinate to male counterparts as well as poor access of farm information (48.9%). In consent with the
low educational level of rural women a case study was observed in Nankana Sahib, Punjab district by Nazir., et al. [20].
Types of constraints Low Moderate High
Educational level -Illiterate 9 3.0 27 9.0 264 88.0
Poor access to farm information/women are less informed than men 50 16.7 104 34.7 146 48.7
Traditional habit/cultural 63 21.0 125 41.7 112 37.3
Women are only subordinate to male counterparts 38 12.7 89 29.7 173 57.7
15 5.0 57 19.0 228 76.0
Lack of knowledge about farming 42 14.0 82 27.3 176 58.7
Source: Based on Field Survey; NRP = Number of respondents
Table 7: Major social constraints against women’s involvement in decision-making power.
away from home, less freedom of movement than men and low educational status. If women are given more rights, taboos are broken,
away with poverty, enhance food security and improve livelihood. Evidently, development, food security and poverty alleviation will not
be truly achieved without rapid agricultural growth. Increasing of agricultural productivity is central to growth, income distribution, im-
proved food security and alleviation of poverty in rural Africa [21]. In all of these, the rural woman plays a pivotal role and they are crucial
to the overall success of efforts directed at agricultural development in rural areas.
represented in unpaid, seasonal and part-time work, and the available evidence suggests that women are often paid less than men, for the
degree. Women make up in any agricultural labor force over 50% in the study area. As a result their contribution to agricultural output is
Citation: Nahusenay A. “The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South
Wello Zone”
EC Nutrition
.4 (2017): 144-155.
The Roles of Rural Women on Agricultural Labor Conscriptions in Ethiopia: The Case of Delanta District, South Wello Zone
Rural women often manage complex households and pursue multiple livelihood strategies. Their activities typically include producing
agricultural crops, tending animals, processing and preparing food, collecting fuel and water, engaging in trade and marketing, caring for
family members and maintaining their homes.
I wish to extend my special thanks to my family and friends who have helped me in several ways for the realization of the thesis work.
I also wish to a lot of thanks go to the Delanta District people and Administration for providing me the necessary support and data for
the study.
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Volume 6 January 2017
by Nahusenay A.