- Files released: 5543061
On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Released on 2013-02-19 00:00 GMT
Email-ID | 821592 |
Date | 2010-07-08 12:30:22 |
From | [email protected] |
To | [email protected] |
Table of Contents for Egypt
1) America’s Political Angst Invites Creative Diplomacy
“America’s Political Angst Invites Creative Diplomacy” — The Daily Star
2) Writer Says World Cup Has Given Country, Africa ‘Good Press Coverage’
Report by Mxolisi Nkosi, deputy director-general in charge of Africa
Bilateral Relations in the Department of International Relations and
Co-operation, writing in his personal capacity: “Chance to Change our
Fortunes” – “The World Cup has Given us a Taste of What it Feels like to
Have Good Press Coverage.” – “We Need to Do What We Can to Keep it that
3) Iraqi vice-president leaves Cairo
4) Iran’s President Ahmadinezhad Arrives To Meet Muslim Leaders at D-8
5) Ahmadinejad To Meet Muslim Leaders at D8 Summit After New Sanctions
6) Nigeria, Other Developing Countries Adopt Common Framework for Banking
Report by Idris Ahmed: “Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan Adopt Common Banking
7) Speaker Receives Kuwaiti Flotilla Activists
“Speaker Receives Kuwaiti Flotilla Activists” — KUNA Headline
8) Headlines of Kuwaiti English Dailies Issued Tuesday, June 8, 2010
“Headlines of Kuwaiti English Dailies Issued Tuesday, June 8, 2010” —
KUNA Headline
9) Ahmadinejad Calls For Iran-Mali Cooperation
10) Egypt security forces open fire at, injure two Nigerian infiltrators
into Israel
11) FM Calls Development Of Cooperation With Muslim States ‘Iran’s
12) All Segments of Society Must Take Part in Combating Corruption, Says
“All Segments of Society Must Take Part in Combating Corruption, Says
Conference” — The Da ily Star Headline
13) Iranian Sunni Dawah, Reform Group Secretary General Birani on Its
Interview with Iranian Sunni Dawah and Reform Group Secretary General
Abdulrahman Mohammad Birani by Khalid Mahmud, from Cairo: “Secretary
General of Iranian Da’wah and Reform Group: Opposition is Closest to Us”
14) Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Official Confirms Election of Shura
Council Members
Report by Muhammad Hamidah: “MB Members Refuse To Announce Names of Those
Who Won Their Shura Council Election; MB Secretary General Mahmud Husayn
Confirms Authenticity of News About Group Holding Election for Its Shura
15) Eritrean killed in attempt to infiltrate from Egypt into Israel
16) Xinhua ‘Roundup’: Zimbabwe, China Strengthen Economic Cooperation
Xinhua “Roundup”: “Zimbabwe, China Strengthen Economic Cooperation”
17) Egypt’s Constitutional Court suspends ruling allowing Copts’ second
18) Egyptian Police Kill Eritrean Migrant
Xinhua: “Egyptian Police Kill Eritrean Migrant”
19) Egyptian president attends Naval Academy’s graduation ceremony
20) Suez Canal Revenue up 10 Pct in June
Xinhua: “Suez Canal Revenue up 10 Pct in June”
21) Egypt’s foreign affairs, international cooperation ministers head for
1) Back to Top
America’s Political Angst Invites Creative Diplomacy
“America’s Political Angst Invites Creative Diplomacy” — The Daily Star
Headline – The Daily Star Online
Thursday July 8, 2010 01:25:43 GMT
Thursday, July 08, 2010
The two modern Amer ican masters of Machiavellian diplomacy, Henry
Kissingerand Zbigniew Brzezinski, both practiced their art at times
comparable to thisonewith the United States suffering from reversals in
war and loss ofconfidence in its political leadership.So it-s an
interesting thought exercise to imagine how a nationalsecurity adviser
with the secretive, back-channel style of a Kissinger orBrzezinski would
play America-s diplomatic hand now. Mind you, I-mnot suggesting what
policies these two would actually recommend today butinstead, what a more
creative diplomatic approach might produce in a time ofdifficulty.When I
say ‘creative,’ what I partly mean is devious. BothKissinger and
Brzezinski did not always state publicly what they were doing inprivate.
After the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, Kissinger opened a secretintelligence
channel to the Palestine Liberation Organization, at the very timehe was
branding it a terrorist group and refusing open recognition. Similarsecret
conversations surrou nded the entire Arab-Israeli peace process.Not all of
Kissinger-s machinations were successful: He blessed a Syrianintervention
in the Lebanese civil war in 1976 to aid the Christians againstthe
Palestinian Liberation Organization that arguably still causes trouble.
Buthe created space and options for an America that had otherwise been
weakened bythe Vietnam war.Brzezinski, too, was adept at concealing his
hand and adding heft to thedrifting presidency of Jimmy Carter. When an
emboldened Soviet Union marchedinto Afghanistan, Brzezinski crafted a
secret intelligence alliance with Chinaand Pakistan to check the Soviets.
Here, too, we are still living with some ofthe negatives. But it must be
said, the Soviet Union is no more.Let-s look at how this approach might be
applied today in four problemareas: Iraq, the Arab-Israeli mess, the
India-Pakistan standoff and the endgamein Afghanistan. Again, I want to
stress these gambits are in the style of thevenerable strategists but not
necessarily what they would advocate now.Iraq is a place where America,
having fought a messy war, must now shapepolitical outcomes with minimal
use of force. It-s a place where you haveto hope the CIA has been busy
making friends and contacts, and where a strongUS ambassador will be
essential. It-s good that Vice President Joe Bidenspent the July 4 weekend
there, urging formation of a new government. He metall the right parties;
now he and the new ambassador, Jim Jeffrey, will need topull those strings
hard.The Palestinian problem is one where I hope the US is engaging in
some secretdiplomatic contacts – with Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,
Egypt, thePalestinian Authority and, yes, even Hamas. When the open road
seems blocked,that-s a time to experiment with new passages. History tells
us that whenAmerica makes secret contact with rejectionist groups, they
split; that-swhat happened with the PLO in 1974.The India-Pakistan
stalemate has been in the ‘too hard’ box foryears. B ut as with
negotiations in the 1990s between Britain and the IrishRepublican Army
over Northern Ireland, America can subtly encourage greatercontact between
two parties – and facilitate the exchanges ofcounterterrorism intelligence
and military information that will be essentialin building confidence.
India-s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wants asettlement; the US must
encourage reciprocal moves by Pakistan that make bothcountries
safer.Finally, there is the sublime strategic challenge of Afghanistan.
The arrivalof General David Petraeus is a useful ‘X-factor’ there. He
willgive the Taliban second thoughts about the otherwise shaky proposition
that theUnited States and its allies can reverse the enemy-s momentum on
thebattlefield.But the real test will be in back-channel contacts with
reconcilableadversaries – something at which Petraeus was adept in Iraq.
The Obamaadministration needs to decide what kind of outcome it wants, and
then useevery element of power – overt and co vert, military and
diplomatic- to achieve it. Secret contacts with elements of the Taliban
will beespecially useful if they can gradually build confidence about what
each sidecan deliver.Perhaps all of these diplomatic corkscrews are
already at work. It-s inthe nature of successful secret diplomacy that you
don-t know about ituntil it-s over – and maybe not even then. But if ever
there were amoment when a battle-fatigued United States needs a wily
strategist to exploreoptions, this is it.Just who could play this role
among the administration-s current cast ofcharacters isn-t obvious, and
that-s a problem President BarackObama should address.Syndicated columnist
David Ignatius is published twice weekly by THE DAILYSTAR.(Description of
Source: Beirut The Daily Star Online in English — Website of the
independent daily, The Daily Star; URL: http://dailystar.com.lb)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
2) Back to Top
Writer Says World Cup Has Given Country, Africa ‘Good Press Coverage’
Report by Mxolisi Nkosi, deputy director-general in charge of Africa
Bilateral Relations in the Department of International Relations and
Co-operation, writing in his personal capacity: “Chance to Change our
Fortunes” – “The World Cup has Given us a Taste of What it Feels like to
Have Good Press Coverage.” – “We Need to Do What We Can to Keep it that
Way” – The Star Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 08:06:28 GMT
(Description of Source: Johannesburg The Star Online in English — Website
of the daily described as the “flagship” publication of Independent
Newspapers, it is one of South Africa’s most popular dailies and carries
credible, balanced reporting and commentaries from a wide range of
authors. Its editorials tend to be critical of the government. URL:
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
3) Back to Top
Iraqi vice-president leaves Cairo – MENA Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 07:26:47 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteCairo, 7
July: Iraqi Vice-President Adil Abd-al-Mahdi left here Wednesday (7 July)
wrapping up a several days’ visit to Egypt during which he met with
President Husni Mubar ak for talks on the latest developments in Iraq.The
Iraqi official also held talks with Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Nazif on
efforts exerted to form the new Iraqi government and ways to promote
bilateral relations in all domains.Abd-al-Mahdi was seen off at the
airport by Minister of Tourism Zuhayr Jarana.(Description of Source: Cairo
MENA Online in English — Government news agency; URL:
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
4) Back to Top
Iran’s President Ahmadinezhad Arrives To Meet Muslim Leaders at D-8 Summit
– AFP (World Service)
Wednesday July 7, 2010 19:32:56 GMT
(Descrip tion of Source: Paris AFP (World Service) in English — world
news service of the independent French news agency Agence France Presse)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Ahmadinejad To Meet Muslim Leaders at D8 Summit After New Sanctions – AFP
(World Service)
Wednesday July 7, 2010 18:34:24 GMT
(Description of Source: Paris AFP (World Service) in English — world news
service of the independent French news agency Agence France Presse)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright hol
der. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
6) Back to Top
Nigeria, Other Developing Countries Adopt Common Framework for Banking
Report by Idris Ahmed: “Nigeria, Iran, Pakistan Adopt Common Banking
Rules” – Daily Trust Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 10:14:43 GMT
(Description of Source: Abuja Daily Trust Online in English — Website of
the independent pro-North daily; URL: http://www.news.dailytrust.com/)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Speaker Receives Kuwaiti Flotilla Activists
“Speaker Receives Kuwaiti Flotilla Activists” — KUNA Headline – KUNA
Tuesday June 8, 2010 12:51:24 GMT
KUWAIT, June 8 (KUNA) — Kuwaiti National Assembly (parliament)
SpeakerJassem Al-Kharafi received in his office on Tuesday Kuwaiti
activists,including MP Walid Al-Tabtabai, who were onboard Gaza-bound aid
ships, whichwere raided by Israeli forces last week.During the meeting,
the speaker hailed the Kuwaiti activists for their greatefforts to supply
humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which has been under athree-year
Israeli blockade.He also hailed the positive outcomes of the Israeli
attack on the FreedomFlotilla aid ships trying to break the Israeli
blockade on the salient,including Egypt’s indefinite reopening of Rafah
Crossing, international supportfor the besieged Palestinians.For their
parts, the activi sts deeply thanked HH the Amir, parliament speakerand
Kuwaiti people for wonderful reception upon return from the hard
mission.(Description of Source: Kuwait KUNA Online in English — Official
news agency of the Kuwaiti Government; URL: http://www.kuna.net.kw)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Headlines of Kuwaiti English Dailies Issued Tuesday, June 8, 2010
“Headlines of Kuwaiti English Dailies Issued Tuesday, June 8, 2010” —
KUNA Headline – KUNA Online
Tuesday June 8, 2010 09:34:36 GMT
Kuwait Times ===========.– Turkey turning screws on Israel.– No respite
for ja iled Jassem.– Government denies Arab peace plan pullout.– Tahous
promises grilling surprises.Arab Times =========.– Britain, Italy call
for aid to flow again to Gaza.– Rafah stays open: Egypt.– Iran Red
Crescent to send 3 aid ships… Turks to foster Palestinian unity.Al Watan
Daily =============.– “Pollution” interpellation support dwindles.–
Power cut continue, energy demands still high.– Kuwait index falls to
6-month low on global growth concern.– Jewish flotilla to break Gaza
siege.– Kuwait, GCC countries debate over domestic laborers
conditions.(Description of Source: Kuwait KUNA Online in English —
Official news agency of the Kuwaiti Government; URL:
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Ahmadinejad Calls For Iran-Mali Cooperation – Mehr News Agency
Wednesday July 7, 2010 15:31:28 GMT
TEHRAN, July 7 (MNA) – In a meeting with his Malian counterpart, President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for promotion of Tehran-Bamako cooperation in
all fields.Heading a high-ranking delegation, Ahmadinejad arrived in Mali
on Tuesday for a 24-hour visit. He is to visit Nigeria for the Group of
Eight Developing Countries (D8) summit (4-8 July) later this
week.Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and
Turkey are the D8 members.There is a sense of solidarity between Iran and
Mali, Ahmadinejad said, adding that the two countries share cultural
affinities.Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad stated that the two
countries shoulder a great responsibility and it is of prime importance
that Iran and Mali help each other build up their nations.He went on to
say that another responsibility of the two countries is to cooperate in
the international arenas to promote justice and peace all over the
world.Amadou Toumani Toure, for his part, thanked Ahmadinejad for his
visit and called for boost of cooperation.Ahmadinejad also held talks with
Malian Prime Minister Modibo Sidibé. They discussed
cooperation, particularly in the agricultural and industrial fields.Mali
has great potential to develop its agriculture and turn itself into one of
the greatest exporters of agricultural products, Ahmadinejad noted.In
another meeting, the president negotiated with Mali’s former president and
former African Union chairman.Africa has great potential to take an active
part in the international arenas, Ahmadinejad told Alpha Oumar
Konare.Ahmadinejad said Iran’s relations with African countries are of a
spiritual and brotherly nature.Konare, for his part, welcomed efforts to
boost Iran-Africa cooperation.(Description of Source: Tehran Mehr News
Agency in English — conservative news agency; run by the Islamic
Propagation Office, which is affiliated with the conservative Qom
seminary; www.mehrnews.com)
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Egypt security forces open fire at, injure two Nigerian infiltrators into
Israel – MENA Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 13:46:53 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteRafah, Egypt,
7 July: Two Nigerians were wounded while trying to infiltrate into Israel
via the Rafah border checkpoi nt.Security forces monitoring the
international borders between Egypt and Israel spotted two Nigerians while
trying to sneak into Israel near the international border sign No. 8,
south of Rafah and Karam Abu-Salim crossings.The two Africans refused to
comply with orders to stop, forcing the border guards to open fire at
them.The wounded were moved to the Rafah Central Hospital and an
investigation was launched.(Description of Source: Cairo MENA Online in
English — Government news agency; URL: http://www.mena.org.eg)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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FM Calls Development Of Cooperation With Muslim States ‘Iran’s Priority’ –
Fars News Agency
Wednesday July 7, 2010 11:55:56 GMT
FM Calls Development of Cooperation with Muslim States “Iran’s
Priority”TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki
announced that development and expansion of cooperation with Muslim
countries sets a top priority for Tehran.”Iran attaches a high priority to
the development of cooperation with Islamic and developing countries
within the framework of the D8 and spares no efforts to strengthen
relations with the (D8) member countries,” Mottaki said on Tuesday,
addressing the 13th meeting of the D8 council of foreign ministers in
Abuja, Nigeria.The meeting of foreign ministers of the eight Muslim
developing countries (D8) is due to study the draft statement of an
upcoming heads-of-state summit due to be held in Abuja on July 4-8.During
his speech, Mottaki also referred to Iran’s proposal for the establishment
of a joint inves tment fund, and said the offer indicates Iran’s political
resolve for expanding its cooperation with the D8 members.The Islamic
Republic of Iran believes that strengthening the south-south cooperation,
regional arrangements, consolidation and deepening of multilateral
relations within the framework of the D8 are important for confrontation
against the consequences of the global economic meltdown, Mottaki said.The
D-8 or Developing Eight are a group of developing countries with large
Muslim populations that have formed an economic development alliance. It
consists of Iran, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Pakistan, and Turkey.(Description of Source: Tehran Fars News Agency in
English — hardline pro-Ahmadinezhad news agency; headed as of December
2007 by Hamid Reza Moqaddamfar, who was formerly an IRGC cultural officer;
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holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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All Segments of Society Must Take Part in Combating Corruption, Says
“All Segments of Society Must Take Part in Combating Corruption, Says
Conference” — The Daily Star Headline – The Daily Star Online
Thursday July 8, 2010 01:30:44 GMT
Thursday, July 08, 2010
BEIRUT: Combating corruption requires the participation of all segments
ofsociety, according to the coordinator of the Lebanese Anti-Bribery
Network(LABN) Fadi Saab.'(Combating bribery) is difficult because it
requires the participationof all sectors of society,’ said Saab.Speaking
during a conference convened by the Lebanese Transparency Association(LTA)
at the Inter Continental Phoen icia Hotel in Beirut on Wednesday,
Saabhighlighted the three requirements for combating corruption.’The
establishment of a system to root out bribery requires awarenessamong all
parties of the expense of corruption and its negative effects on
theeconomy in general and on every individual,’ said Saab, voicing
hisbelief that eradicating corruption needed a ‘change in the
mentality,methodology and way of thinking.’According to Saab, the second
requirement was providing necessary mechanisms tofight corruption. ‘We are
in need of a methodology comprising a series ofmorals and policies
allowing accountability and transparency in all ourwork,’ he said.Finally,
the LABN official underlined the need of a ‘legal frameworkenabling us of
identifying corrupt acts and hold corrupt peopleaccountable,’ adding that
LTA was working on a project to combatcorruption.The event that saw the
announcement of the recommendations to reform thetaxation system along
with the real state and electricity sectors, was held incooperation with
LABN and the Center for International Private Enterprise’CIPE.’Besides
Saab, a number of experts including CIPE-s regional manager inthe Middle
East and North Africa (MENA) Abdel-Wahab al-Qabsi spoke at theconference.
Saab said LTA has posted some documents on its
websitehttp://www.transparency-lebanon.org/ that would help in
implementing laws andtechniques related to combating corruption.’We are
working on this project under a parliamentary framework to makesure that
official employees reveal their possessions before being appointed totheir
posts so that we can hold them accountable if they did not pay theirdues,’
said Saab.’We should not classify corruption in categories, a large,
medium orsmall-scale corruption, for all types of corruption are bad,’ he
added.Saab noted that combating corruption was a long process because some
states hadgotten used to corruption.Meanwhile, Qabsi touched on studies
conducted by CIPE to enhance democracy inthe world. ‘(Our) partnership
with the LTA is one of the bestpartnerships on the international level due
to the high level of awareness inLebanon,’ he said, adding that this
‘partnership has done a lot ofwork and developed projects to combat
bribery and corruption.’He added that some documents and studies published
by LTA have becomeinternational, with many used in states like Yemen and
Egypt.The CIPE official said corruption was a two-fold problem, for ‘there
isone side offering bribery and another accepting it,’ calling for
workingon both sides of the matter.Qabsi pressed the drafting of a law to
combat corruption and called forboosting accountability, along with
protecting and enhancing the private sector.Following speeches by Saab and
Qabsi, the audience was briefed onrecommendations.Head of the economic
research department in Byblos Bank, Nassib Ghobreel,presented to the
attendees the results of an administrative corruption surveyin
Lebanon.Also, head of the internati onal commerce chamber Wajih al-Bizri,
presented theProfessional Morals Charter.Suggestions related to the
electricity sector were outlined by Jina ShammasMrad, Director General of
Tomorrow-s Advice, a consultancy firm.Chairman of ‘Al-Majal’ company
listed the recommendations relatedto the real estate sector.Finally, LTA-s
general director Yahya Hakim detailed the recommendationsof the taxation
system.At the end of the conference, the LABN issued a handbook called,
‘WhatShould You Know About Your Rights when you (your company) is Subject
toAudit?’The handbook includes recommendations for owners of companies on
how to protecttheir rights when their companies witness financial
audit.(Description of Source: Beirut The Daily Star Online in English —
Website of the independent daily, The Daily Star; URL:
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Iranian Sunni Dawah, Reform Group Secretary General Birani on Its
Interview with Iranian Sunni Dawah and Reform Group Secretary General
Abdulrahman Mohammad Birani by Khalid Mahmud, from Cairo: “Secretary
General of Iranian Da’wah and Reform Group: Opposition is Closest to Us” –
Al-Sharq al-Awsat Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 23:32:05 GMT
In an exclusive interview in the Iranian capital, Tehran (interview was
conducted by E-mail from Cairo with Birani in Tehran), which is his first
this year with any Arab or foreign media organ outside Iran, Birani
stresses that there is no organizational link between his group and any
side outside Iran, including the Muslim Brotherho od Group.
Birani considers that the Da’wah and Reform Group is the only organization
that has activities within all the circles of the Sunni society in Iran,
with all its sides and ethnic groups. He rejects the claims that the group
receives any aid from any Arab or Islamic sides.
With regard to the dispute between the reformists and the conservatives in
Iran, Birani says: We see common aspects between us and each of the two
sides, but the reformists are closest to us because of their intellectual
openness, and their defense of pluralism to the extent of allowing some
elite Sunnis in their reformist parties even at the level of decision
On the other hand, Birani points out that after the declaration of the
results of the last presidential elections, the group opted not to engage
in protests in order to – as he says – protect the interests of the
It is worth noting that Birani, who was born in Iran’s Kermanshah Province
in 1954 and obtained a Bachelor Degree in Shari’ah Science at Tehran
University, is about to argue his doctorate thesis in international law at
Al-Nilayn Universities. Birani also has been the secretary general of the
Da’wah and Reform Group since 1991.
The following are the text of the answers by Birani to the questions
addressed to him by Al-Sharq al-Awsat via E-mail, which was organized,
with our appreciation, by Dr Luqman Studah (name as transliterated),
official in charge of public relations of the Da’wah and Reform Group:
(Mahmud) Some people consider you as part of the International
Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, but you reject this claim. What
then are the limits of this relationship?
(Birani) The Da’wah and Reform Group is an Iranian Islamic group that was
founded before the Islamic revolution in 1979 by ulema and Islamic callers
influenced by the intellectual ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood Group.
However, the group is independent in its decision making and stances, and
its relations with the Muslim Brotherhood remain within the domain of
concepts, and of benefiting from the Muslim Brotherhood expertise and
(Mahmud) Are you a part of the International Organization of the Muslim
(Birani) We are not a part of the International Organization of the Muslim
(Mahmud) What are your relations with the Muslim Brotherhood center in
(Birani) Naturally, as acting Islamic group we have good relations with
the Islamic movements and their symbols, especially the Muslim Brotherhood
leaders; however, we have no organizational link to any side outside the
(Mahmud) How does the Iranian Government treat you, as you are not
officially a party?
(Birani) From the beginning of its foundation, the group has taken into
consideration the ethnic diversity, the sectarian differences, and the
historical disputes, and has dealt with them realistically a nd wisely.
The group has adopted a centrist course in ideology and behavior that is
far removed from extremism and arousing disputes. Thus, the domain of
activities of the group has widened and reached all the provinces in which
Sunnis live, at the level of the ulema and the private Shari’ah schools,
and also reached the student circles, the women sector, and the civil
society institutions. The group has preserved its relations with the other
tendencies at home. At the level of the Muslim world, we have relations
with the intellectual leaders, the ulema, and the symbols. We have been a
founding member of the Federation of Private Associations in the Muslim
World and also of the International Association of Muslim Scholars.
We have decided to adhere to the principle of dialog and of resolving the
problems through legal means away from the media clamor. In exchange for
this, the government deals with us in a semi-official way. We consider
that this method is the best to resolve our problems. Ultimately we are on
the side of freedom for all, political openness, and mutual trust between
the people and the government.
(Mahmud) Are there contacts or dialogs between you and the authorities in
(Birani) Yes, there are dialogs and meetings with some of the authorities
(Mahmud) What is the number of your members within Iran? What are the
sources of finance for the group?
(Birani) We are the only organization that has activities within all the
circles of the Sunni society in Iran with all its sides and ethnic groups,
be they Persian, Kurdish, Baluchi, Torkuman, Arab, Talysh, Azeri, or any
other ethnic group. Therefore, we have hundreds of symbols, thousands of
members, and huge masses of supporters and followers. The group is
financed through the help of the members, and its charitable supporters
and sympathizers.
(Mahmud) Do you receive aid from any Arab or Islamic side?
(Birani) No, we a re an independent group in every aspect, including the
economic aspect. We do not receive any foreign aid. However, the charity
department of the group might sometimes cooperate with some other
charities to build mosques and Shari’ah schools, to support orphans, and
help the poor.
(Mahmud) How do you see the Arab and Muslim stance toward the issues and
demands of the Sunnis in Iran?
(Birani) We reject any interference by any country in the affairs of other
countries. At the same time, there are sectarian minorities in some
Islamic societies; there are intellectual and historical disputes that
have not started now, and some of them go back a thousand years, and they
cannot be resolved quickly or lightly; also there are grounds to arouse
these disputes, and to transform them into conflicts and aggression
against the rights, and hence squander the resources of the nation, as we
have seen in some neighboring countries, as divisions and disputes can
develop into con flicts and fighting, which is extremely dangerous.
Therefore, it would have been better for the governments, the intellectual
elites, and the ulema to focus on these issues, and to cooperate together
to resolve the problems in civilized peaceful ways.
There is no doubt that the sectarian disputes are an important part of the
reality that cannot be ignored, and also it is not right to stir them up.
We believe that a fanatical reaction to sectarian fanaticism and the
stirring up of dispute will not serve resolving the problem. Previously we
have submitted a proposal in this concern to the most erudite scholar
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, God preserve him, chairman of the International
Association of Muslim Scholars, as a project calling for the drafting of a
document to include the rights and duties of the Sunni and Shiite Muslim
minorities in the Muslim countries in the same way we have witnessed the
blessed efforts with regard to the rights of the Muslim minorities in th e
western societies.
(Mahmud) Do you support Jundullah group? What is your stance toward them?
(Birani) Avoiding violence is one of the intellectual and behavioral
pillars of the group, as is recorded in our documents. We have opted to
avoid violence under any circumstances as an unalterable firm foundation,
and as an operation method to interact with others, and also in order to
create the political and social development in society according to our
understanding of the Koran and Sunnah. Therefore, we reject violence in
any form and from any side, and we do not believe that violence can be a
means to establish what is right.
(Mahmud) What is your opinion of Shaykh (Abdolhamid) Isma’il Zehi, who
presents himself as the religious supreme authority for the Sunnis in
(Birani) In fact we have not heard His Eminence Shaykh Abdolhamid, God
preserve him, define himself in this capacity. At the same time, he is one
of the leaders of the Sunnis, and has made good and highly appreciated
efforts, especially in Baluchistan; there are other Sunni groups,
tendencies, symbols, and leaders.
(Mahmud) In your opinion, how is the situation of the Sunnis now in Iran?
Do you consider that the Sunnis are exposed to discrimination or
(Birani) The leaders of the Sunnis attached great hopes to the Islamic
revolution in Iran. They hoped that it would put an end to the historical
disputes and hatred, and would provide equality among citizens. The
leaders of the revolution succeeded in drafting a Constitution that
responds to most of the demands of the society in general, and grants the
basic rights and public freedoms to all citizens; however, some of the
articles of the Constitution stipulate that the official school of
thinking is the Ja’fari one, and prevent the Sunnis from becoming
presidential candidates, and these articles were then objected to by some
Sunni leaders. However, the percentage of success in implementing the
Constitution has been less than expected because of reasons that we are
not going to list. Therefore, there are problems, and naturally we do not
deny the existence of these problems.
On the other hand, not all doors are closed. For instance, as the issue of
not allowing the building of mosques for the Sunnis in the capital Tehran
became notorious, we contained it through a compromise by opening in the
capital a number of prayer corners for holding the Friday prayers, the
prayers of the two Ids, and the night prayers of Ramadan; the government
deals with these prayer corners with tolerance, and sometimes cooperate to
solve the emerging problems of these corners.
(Mahmud) Do you have a stance toward the current dispute between the
reformist tendency and the conservatives?
(Birani) On the basis of the intellectual bases of the group, we can see
common aspects with each of the two sides, but the reformists are closest
to us because of their intellectual openness, and their defense of
pluralism to the extent of allowing some elite Sunnis in their reformist
parties even at the level of decision making. For this reason, we were
supporting the reformists in the presidential and parliamentary elections.
In the last elections we supported the reformist candidate Mirhoseyn
Musavi in an extensive way, and we issued a statement in which we pointed
out the most prominent rights and demands of the Sunnis. However, after
the declaration of the election results, we opted not to engage in the
protests in order to preserve the interests of the Sunnis.
(Mahmud) How do you see the clamor surrounding Iran’s nuclear program?
(Birani) We consider that using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is a
right for all peoples, as it is needed by the times, and we consider that
to deprive any people of this right is unacceptable. The Islamic Republic
of Iran always stresses that its nuclear activities are peaceful, and tha
t it does not want nuclear arms; therefore, Iran is entitled to have this
energy for peaceful purposes, and it is wrong to deprive Iran of it. We
are in favor of a world free of nuclear weapons, and we hope that this
will happen.
(Mahmud) Do you support the continuation of Iran’s occupation of the UAE
(Birani) First: We do not agree to the use of the word occupation. Second:
We all know that there are border disputes between most of the countries
in the region, which would be better to resolve through dialog. The same
applies to the islands. There ought to be a dialog, and the
misunderstanding ought to be removed. There is no doubt that Iran and
fraternal UAE are bound by religious and cultural common factors, in
addition to a high level of family links between the two peoples. This
dispute ought to be resolved in a peaceful and civilized way, and we hope
that this will happen.
(Mahmud) How do you see the attempts to bring the Sunnis and the Shi ites
closer together?
(Birani) There is no doubt that the idea of rapprochement and dialog
between the followers of the schools of thinking has been the blessed
fruit of the good efforts undertaken by prominent leaders of the
contemporary Islamic awakening such as Sayyid Jamal-al-Din (al-Afghani),
Muhammad Abduh, Rashid Rida, Imam (Hasan) al-Banna, the ulema of Al-Azhar,
and Shaykh Muhammad Taqiy al-Qimmi. They have launched a wise project
aimed at Islamic unity, and bringing the followers of the schools of
thinking closer together, and the first rapprochement house was
established in Cairo. This project has been one of the fruits of the
reformist intellectual school that paved the way for accepting the other,
and for dealing with the different opinions on the basis of the principle
of the legitimate diversity of opinions and interpretative judgment. This
openness is expressed by the golden rule: “Let us cooperate on what we
agree, and excuse each other in what w e do not agree.” The Muslim
Brotherhood Group has adopted this concept, and according to it a
generation of thinkers has been brought up in the school of Muslim
Brotherhood, and these thinkers have risen above the ethnic, national,
linguistic, and sectarian differences, and they deal with them in a
civilized Islamic way. This has become the law of the group and its
After the Islamic revolution in Iran, the World Forum for Proximity of
Schools of Islamic Thought was established. This forum has held many
international conferences attended by some ulema and leaders of thinking
at home and abroad, and it has exerted a great deal of effort and achieved
several aims. However, in the light of the current circumstances under
which the disputes, conflicts, and challenges have increased, and the
mutual trust between the two sides has shrunk, we consider that the
achievement of the aspired for aim of Muslim unity requires strong and
sincere will in addition to the participation of the influential
intellectual authorities from both sides; moreover, this requires the
agreement of the public opinion, and its being convinced of the need for
rapprochement, because getting the agreement of the intellectual and
political leaders on some issue is the easy part, but convincing the
people is the major part of the issue.
(Description of Source: London Al-Sharq al-Awsat Online in Arabic —
Website of influential London-based pan-Arab Saudi daily; editorial line
reflects Saudi official stance. URL: http://www.asharqalawsat.com/)
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
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Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Official Confirms Election of Shura Council
Report by Muhammad Hamidah: “MB Members Refuse To Announce Names of Those
Who Won Their Shura Council Election; MB Secretary General Mahmud Husayn
Confirms Authenticity of News About Group Holding Election for Its Shura
Council” – Ilaf.com
Wednesday July 7, 2010 20:15:47 GMT
The MB secretary general confirmed to Ilaf the authenticity of the news
about the MB holding an election for its Shura Council. He stressed that:
“the election has been actually completed and the members of the new Shura
Council have been elected.” He added: “However, the group will not
announce the names of the Shura Council members.”
Dr Husayn said that the MB’s abstention from announcing the names of the
members of the new council “is not an extraordinary situation that is
occurring for the first time. Rather, it is a tradition within the MB.” He
added: “Never in its history has the MB announced the identity of the
members of its Shura Council.” He pointed out that, moreover, a final
decision is yet to be made regarding the names of the MB candidates for
the forthcoming People’s Assembly election. He said that the group might
postpone this matter until the very last minute, as a precautionary
measure against any potential security blows.
The MB conducted a secret ballot election to select the members of the new
Shura Council. This was in order to avoid any security blows that may
affect the completion of the process. This was also to prevent the
repetition of what happened during the previous election of the MB
Executive Guidance Bureau. The MB held this election in the open for the
first time, thus enraging the security services. After the election was
over, the security services arrested MB Deputy General Guide Mahmud Izzat,
together with four Guidance Bureau members and 12 other MB leader s.
The MB Shura Council election has resulted in a slight 16-percent change
in the structure of the council. The Shura Council comprises 100 members.
Some 75 members are elected members and represent all governorates, while
15 members are appointed by the MB Guidance Bureau. It is worth noting
that the election results have enraged the so-called MB reformist trend.
Some members of this trend have complained about the continued domination
of the conservative trend over the council and the deliberate exclusion of
reformists. Ilaf
has been informed that the membership of Dr Muhammad Habib and Dr
Abd-al-Mun’im Abu-al-Futuh, former Guidance Bureau members who are
proteges of the reformist trend, is still valid in the new council. This
is in accordance with the MB bylaw, which grants any former two-year
member of the Guidance Bureau permanent membership in the Shura Council.
This condition applies to them.
Regarding the rumors about the MB amending its i nternal bylaw and
separating the Guidance Bureau membership and the Shura Council
membership, the MB spokesperson said that this matter is still under study
and is yet to be settled. He added that the issue of whether or not the MB
members will be allowed to continue to hold dual membership in both the
Guidance Bureau and the Shura Council is left up to the Shura Council to
have its say in this matter. He said that: “the Shura Council will
determine whether or not the members will be allowed to continue to hold
dual membership.” He added that, among the other issues on the table is
the issue of no longer allowing anyone to combine the post of MB general
guide and the post of Shura Council speaker.
Some MB members have proposed the amendment of the current bylaw. They
have called for separating the executive and legislative bodies of the
group. This is in addition to separating the post of MB general guide and
the post of speaker of the MB Shura Council.
For his part, former MB Deputy General Guide Muhammad Habib holds the view
that: “it is impermis sible for the Guidance Bureau, which is the
executive body, to be the party that operates, monitors itself, and holds
itself accountable.” He added: “It is also impermissible for the general
guide, the members of the Guidance Bureau, and the heads of the
administrative offices to be members of the MB Shura Council.” He noted:
“If the regime allows the ministers to be members of both the People’s
Assembly and Shura Council, we should not follow in its footsteps.”
(Description of Source: London Ilaf.com in Arabic — Saudi-owned,
independent Internet daily with pan-Arab, liberal line. URL:
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Eritrean killed in attempt to infiltrate from Egypt into Israel – MENA
Wednesday July 7, 2010 18:08:11 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteRafah, Egypt,
7 July: An Eritrean was killed while attempting to sneak into Israel via
the borders with Egypt on Wednesday (7 July).The man, 36, was spotted by
security guards while approaching international borders in Al-Kontilla
area, central Sinai. He ignored all warnings to stop, prompting the guards
to shoot him dead. His body was taken to Al-Arish General
Hospital.(Description of Source: Cairo MENA Online in English —
Government news agency; URL: http://www.mena.org.eg)
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source cited. Permission for use must be obta ined from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Xinhua ‘Roundup’: Zimbabwe, China Strengthen Economic Cooperation
Xinhua “Roundup”: “Zimbabwe, China Strengthen Economic Cooperation” –
Wednesday July 7, 2010 16:52:24 GMT
By Tichaona Chifamba and Gretinah Machingura
HARARE, July 7 (Xinhua) –The eighth session of the Zimbabwe/ China joint
permanent commission ended in Harare on Wednesday with a pledge by the two
countries to widen and deepen economic cooperation.The two countries
discussed ways of enhancing various cooperation projects already being
implemented and new ones in the energy, agriculture, manufacturing,
transport, tourism and water sectors.An agreement was also sig ned for
China to provide 1.5 million U. S. dollars to the China-Zimbabwe
Friendship Hospital in Mahusekwa, Mashonaland East Province, for medical
equipment and drugs.The hospital is part of the several projects that
include two primary schools and an agricultural demonstration center that
China is constructing in Zimbabwe as part of the eight measures agreed to
at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in 2006 in
Beijing.Other support from China includes a 200 million U.S. dollars
buyer’s credit facility extended by the China Exim Bank for procurement of
agricultural inputs to boost food production in Zimbabwe.Zimbabwean
foreign minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi praised China for setting a
shining example to other world donors by honoring pledges it made to
assist Zimbabwe under the Forum for China-Africa Cooperation.Mumbengegwi
noted that under the eight measures enunciated by Chinese President Hu
Jintao at the FOCAC heads of state summit in Beijing in 2006, pro jects
earmarked for Zimbabwe are now at various stages of completion.The Chinese
government has also dispatched 10 agricultural experts and 23 volunteers
to buttress the cooperation.”By successfully implementing these measures,
China has set a shining example for other donors and international
cooperating partners who do not always honor their commitments,”
Mumbengegwi said at the opening of the eight session.He said Zimbabwe is
also willing to learn and benefit from China’s experience and expertise in
the economic sphere, which has transformed the country into a global
economic powerhouse.”Zimbabwe will, therefore, welcome Chinese investment
and is ready to discuss during the joint commission specific projects in
the energy, agriculture, manufacturing, transport, tourism and water
sectors,” he said.Mumbengegwi thanked China Exim Bank for extending the
200 million U.S. dollars buyer’s credit loan repayment period from five to
eight years, saying this woul d give Zimbabwe the breathing space to turn
around its economy and enhance capacity to repay loans extended by
China.”The payment of the arrears and extension of the repayment period on
the 200 million U.S. dollars buyer’s credit loan have paved the way for
increased cooperation between Zimbabwe and China, ” he said.While hailing
China as a good example of a reliable and dependent donor partner,
Mumbengegwi said he hoped the Asian country will similarly implement new
eight measures announced by Premier Wen Jiabao at the fourth ministerial
conference of FOCAC held in Egypt last year.He said the projects that have
been identified for implementation in Zimbabwe are in critical sectors of
energy, water, health, education, agriculture and social infrastructure.A
number of hydro, thermal, gas and solar power projects had been identified
in Zimbabwe for investment by Chinese companies, Mumbengegwi said, adding
these have capacity to contribute 3, 100 megawatts to the nati onal grid
when completed.The output is more than the country’s current national
energy requirement of 2, 100 MW.Mumbengegwi also said the improved
macro-economic environment prevailing in the country should spur economic
cooperation between Zimbabwe and China.There is need for finalization of
loan applications to finance infrastructure projects submitted to China
Exim Bank to help Zimbabwe quickly move from the stabilization phase to
sustainable economic growth, he said.He also called for clear strategies
to expedite implementation of various mining projects that Zimbabwe has
entered into with various Chinese companies.Zimbabwe, the minister said,
also wanted to enhance cooperation with China in such sectors as human
resources development, Information Communication Technology and science
and technology research.Chinese deputy minister of industry and commerce
Jiang Zengwei hailed Zimbabwe-China economic cooperation, noting that in
spite of the difficulties posed by the globa l economic recession,
bilateral trade between Zimbabwe and China has maintained an upward
trend.”In 2009 bilateral trade between the two countries stood at 297
million U.S. dollars, up by 5.6 percent from the previous year. From that
China’s exports were 156 million U.S. dollars and imports from Zimbabwe
were 141 million U.S. dollars. In the first four months of this year our
bilateral trade stood at 224 million U.S. dollars, up by 125 percent year
on year. From that China’s imports from Zimbabwe already exceeded its
exports to Zimbabwe, which is 125 million U.S. dollars, by 90 percent year
on year,” he said.He expressed the hope that the two countries would
continue to deepen economic cooperation and their traditional friendship
dating back to the days of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle.He also
commended Zimbabwe’s political leaders for establishing an inclusive
government, saying the new government would enable Zimbabwe to overcome
some of its economic challenges and also create a more conducive
atmosphere for economic cooperation with China. “I believe the
establishment of the new government will lay a solid foundation for
Zimbabwe to overcome the current difficulties and achieve economic
recovery and social development. The establishment of the new government
has also created very good conditions for China and Zimbabwe to conduct
further mutual benefit cooperation.””The Chinese hope that we can
strengthen our cooperation with our Zimbabwean counterparts to ensure the
smooth operation of the new government and help Zimbabwe to realize the
early recovery of its economy and social development,” the Chinese deputy
minister said.(Description of Source: Beijing Xinhua in English — China’s
official news service for English-language audiences (New China News
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Egypt’s Constitutional Court suspends ruling allowing Copts’ second
marriage – MENA Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 15:47:41 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteCairo, 7
July: The higher constitutional court has suspended a previous ruling by
the higher administrative court obligating Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria
to issue a second marriage permit to Majdi William Yusuf.Pope Shenouda had
received two court orders to allow Yusuf to re-marry; the most recent was
by the higher administrative court on 29 May 2010 and another by the
administrative court on 20 February 2007.The two rulings contradict
Al-Wayli (Cairo locality) Appeals Court ruling in favour of the pope in 20
08. The last ruling has not been challenged and is thus deemed
final.(Description of Source: Cairo MENA Online in English — Government
news agency; URL: http://www.mena.org.eg)
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Egyptian Police Kill Eritrean Migrant
Xinhua: “Egyptian Police Kill Eritrean Migrant” – Xinhua
Wednesday July 7, 2010 13:53:02 GMT
RAFAH, Egypt, July 7 (Xinhua) — Egyptian border guards on Wednesday shot
and killed an Eritrean migrant who was attempting to infiltrate into
Israel through a cross border point in the Egyptian town of Rafah.
General Mang er of Al-Arish Central Hospital Sami Anwar told Xinhua that
the body of an Eritrean man, 36, was transformed to the hospital, but died
of severe bleeding due to a gun shot.Egyptian-Israeli borders have long
been a transit for illegal African migrants who seek jobs in Israel.Egypt
has killed dozens of African migrants near the border in the past two
years.(Description of Source: Beijing Xinhua in English — China’s
official news service for English-language audiences (New China News
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Egyptian president attends Naval Academy’s graduation ceremony – MENA
Wednesday July 7, 2010 12:3 1:48 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteAbu Qir,
Alexandria, 7 July: President Husni Mubarak, the Supreme Commander of the
Armed Forces, attended here Wednesday the graduation ceremony of a new
batch of Naval Academy cadets.President Mubarak was welcomed at the venue
of the celebration by Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister
of Defense and Military Production Field Marshal Husayn Tantawi, Chief of
Staff of the Armed Forces Lt. General Sami Anan, Naval Forces Commander
Vice Admiral Muhab Mimish and a number of senior armed forces figures.At
the beginning of the ceremony, the cadets gave a salute to President
Mubarak using signal flags and blinker lights.They also used nautical
signal flags to coin the phrase “welcome Mr. President”.The graduates
performed some sports activities using oars to show their physical
fitness.They also performed a show stimulating the successful d estruction
of an oil facility in Ras Sedr during the Sixth of October war to bar the
enemy from exploiting the country’s oil sources along the eastern coast of
the Gulf of Suez.Established in October 1946, the Egyptian Naval Academy
is the country’s scientific military college, set up to supply the Army
with professional engineers.Graduates of the Academy are commissioned as
officers in the Egyptian Navy.(Later at 1117 gmt, Mena published that
Egypt’s President Mubarak inaugurated a police hospital with a capacity of
260 beds on 10 feddans in Alexandria.)(Description of Source: Cairo MENA
Online in English — Government news agency; URL: http://www.mena.org.eg)
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of
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Suez Canal Revenue up 10 Pct in June
Xinhua: “Suez Canal Revenue up 10 Pct in June” – Xinhua
Wednesday July 7, 2010 09:41:05 GMT
CAIRO, July 7 (Xinhua) — Revenue from the Suez Canal rose by 10 percent
to 383.7 million U.S. dollars in June, as against 348 million dollars in
June 2009, a local source told Xinhua on Wednesday.
According to the source, the total number of vessels transiting the
international waterway dropped to 1,482 in June from 1,562 in May.The
canal is one of the primary sources of Egyptian national income. Opening
in 1869, the Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway connecting the
Mediterranean with the Red Sea, facilitating water transportation between
Europe and Asia with no need to navigate around Africa.(Description of
Source: Beijing Xinhua in English — China’s official news service for
English-language audi ences (New China News Agency))
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source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
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Egypt’s foreign affairs, international cooperation ministers head for
Ethiopia – MENA Online
Wednesday July 7, 2010 07:53:21 GMT
Text of report by Egyptian state-run news agency MENA websiteCairo, 7
July: Foreign Minister Ahmad Abu-al-Ghayt and Minister of International
Cooperation Fayzah Abu-al-Naja left here for Addis Ababa on a brief visit
to Ethiopia during which they will hold important talks with Ethiopian
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.The talks will cover the Nile water file and
legal issues of controversy in the framework agreement on cooperation
among the Nile basin states.(Description of Source: Cairo MENA Online in
English — Government news agency; URL: http://www.mena.org.eg)
Material in the World News Connection is generally copyrighted by the
source cited. Permission for use must be obtained from the copyright
holder. Inquiries regarding use may be directed to NTIS, US Dept. of