የተወደዳችሁ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ፦ ከሥር የተቀመጡትን የ “Click to Tweet” መፈክሮች እየተጫኑ ትዊተር ገጽዎ ላይ ትዊት በማድረግ ለእናት ኢትዮጵያ ድምፅዎን ለዓለም ያሰሙ
Nearly half a million ethnic Amharas have been displaced from Korem, Alamata, Kobo & surrounding areas due to #TPLFinvasion & military attacks. #HumanitarianAidForAmharaIDPs @UN_HRC @UNReliefChief @WFPChief @WHOAfrica @UNOCHA @EU_Commission @eu_echo @USUN @michaelmoller
[Tweet “7- The Second Maikadra is committed in Afar, yet the international community kept silent as if nothing has happened. Shame on you! #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters @washingtonpost @nytimes “]
[Tweet “8- The TPLF that slaughtered the ENDF, massacred the Amhara in Maikadra, & now massacred 240 Afar civilians & 107 children. No Western country has the audacity to condemn this terrorist activity. This is sickening! #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @washingtonpost @nytimes “]
[Tweet “9- The Western media that propagated the TPLF fabricated narration on Axum massacre ignored when TPLF massacred the 240 Afar civilians & 107 Afar children. #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters @nytimes“]
[Tweet “10- US, EU, & other Western countries and humanitarian agencies stop the double standard you are playing on the people of Ethiopia. You outcry for the fake Tigray massacre but kept silent when the TPLF massacred more than 300 Afar including children. #AfarMassacre… “]
[Tweet “11- The international communities stop telling us that the lives of the Tigrayan people are more important than the Afar, Amhara, & other people of Ethiopia. #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters…… “]
[Tweet “12- The international community if you are really concerned about the wellbeing of humanity comes out and openly condemns TPLF‘s inhuman massacre of the Afar children and civilians. #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @nytimes @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees “]
[Tweet “13- We Ethiopians strongly oppose the fake, self-declared humanitarian agencies that use humanitarian agenda to promote political motives. #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters @washingtonpost @nytimes “]
[Tweet “14- Where is Samantha Power of USAID, Where is the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch … when TPLF massacred 240 civilians & 107 children in Afar? #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters @washingtonpost… “]
[Tweet “15- How much is too much for the international community? A total of 347 people were massacred in Afar by TPLF in broad daylight. #AfarMassacre #TplfTerroristGroup @amnesty @hrw @UN @SecBlinken @PowerUSAID @Refugees @WFPChief @AP @Reuters @washingtonpost @nytimes “]