እጅግ ከባድ አዲስ ነገር! የኒውክለር ቦምቦችን ማጓጓዝ ተጀምሯል
ሁሉም ቢሸነፍም ቀድሞ የሚሸነፈው ማን ይሆናል ?!! አለማችን አደገኛ ሁኔታ ውስጥ ነች !!!! (ወንድወሰን ሰይፉ ቅድስ ) ባልተለመደ መንገድ ስድስት የአቶሚክ ቦምብ ማስተኮሻ ያላቸውና ቁጥራቸው
ሁሉም ቢሸነፍም ቀድሞ የሚሸነፈው ማን ይሆናል ?!! አለማችን አደገኛ ሁኔታ ውስጥ ነች !!!! (ወንድወሰን ሰይፉ ቅድስ ) ባልተለመደ መንገድ ስድስት የአቶሚክ ቦምብ ማስተኮሻ ያላቸውና ቁጥራቸው
የዓባይ፡ልጅ ያራ ኢንተርናሽናል የሚሉት የመሬት ማዳበሪያ በማምረት የሚታወቅ ኩባንያ በ 60 የዓለም ሃገራት ይንቀሳቀሳል። ኩባንያው ከሩሲያ እጅግ ብዙ ጥሬ ዕቃ ይሸምታል። ወቅታዊው ጉዳይ ስለዚሁ
የግብፁ Egyptian Centre for Strategic Studies, ECSS, ኦክቶበር ስድስትን የግብፅ “የድል በዓል” በማውሳት እንኳን አደረሳችሁ ያለው በዛሬዌዋ ዕለት ነው። ይህ ተቋም በተለይም የአገራችንን ገፅታና የዲፕሎማሲ
Despite US Empire’s stranglehold on information, most of the world has little trouble spotting the villain. Biden is a killer. Here’s why Joe Biden’s vitriol
The genius of Grandmaster Vladimir Putin’s bold “demilitarization and deNazification” special military operation in Ukraine is beginning to unravel. In his 2007 Munich Security Conference
The crisis, and especially the reaction of the ‘west’ to it, is much worse than I had feared. The U.S. government and ‘western’ media claim
03 Mar 2022 Tyler DurdenZero HedgeMon, 28 Feb 2022 02:45 UTC© DiglogsSpokeswoman for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hua ChunyingAmid mixed headlines in the western
– Day solely exists of the 5-eye spying cooperation (U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the European Union, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore.The view differs when
Jordan Liles Published 21 February 2022 Updated 22 February 2022 Context Much of the data included in the viral “why Ukraine matters” posts were true. Some of
As Russian troops amassed at Ukraine’s borders in February 2022, Facebook posts listed more than 30 purported reasons as to why the country held a
Warning: This post is a bit of a ramble, with new sections being added to the end, as further thoughts come to mind. Contents
Christoph Vogel And Joschka Havenith, APRIL, 2014 Diamonds and Rubber in Sierra Leone, oil in Angola and Sudan, tantalum and gold in the Democratic Republic
Editor’s Note: A wide range of states engage in disinformation campaigns, and the United States is far from the only victim. In the Middle East, disinformation